Invalid "self-closing element not allowed" JavaDoc error
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Fri Jul 26 00:16:41 UTC 2013
On 07/25/2013 02:01 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
> Okay. To address some of your points (not in order):
> - I do not interpret "no end tags" as a strict prohibition on self-closing elements. I think many people agree with me. I think the fact that browsers barf at <br></br> but not <br /> reinforces this interpretation.
The (implicit) prohibition on self-closing elements is that they are not
mentioned/allowed in the spec we are trying to follow, which is HTML
4.01, as defined in the DOCTYPE declarations in the generated files.
> - HTML5 does allow self-closing elements ... but ONLY for void elements (not empty elements that allow content).
When we convert javadoc to be able to generate HTML 5, we would
obviously update doclint accordingly.
> - So you say -Xdoclint for JavaDoc was meant to be the analog to -Xlint for JavaC, and I buy that ... except that it wasn't implemented that way. -Xlint produces /warnings/. -Xdoclint produces /errors/ and causes JavaDoc to fail. If -Xlint produces warnings and -Werror makes those warnings errors, then IMO -Xdoclint should also produce warnings and -Werror (or possibly something like -Wdocerror) should make those warnings errors. After all, the <br /> problem that the W3 validator points out is a WARNING, not an ERROR.
-Xdoclint (intentionally) generates both warnings and errors. There
have been some cases where seemingly minor issues have caused incorrect
documentation to be generated, which is why we generate errors as well
as warnings.
> - Somewhat off topic, every JavaDoc page produced by Java 8 right now has at least one W3 validator warning, because they're all missing a character encoding declaration (assumed to be UTF-8 for validation, but that's not portable).
Yes, we know about that one. We just haven't gotten around to fixing it
yet. The goal is that it should be possible to generate docs that are
validator-clean. There are other big boo-boos, such as invalid
characters in the anchors for method documentation, and duplicate names
for overloaded methods. But we'll get there. If you find other cases
of javadoc output failing a validator that you think is javadoc's fault,
please let us know on javadoc-dev at
-- Jon
> Nick
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 3:46 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> First, as was pointed out earlier[1] in the original thread, the HTML 4 spec
>> does not mention the existence of self-closing elements, and in that message,
>> David makes a good point that <br> is defined to not have an end tag,
>> making the <br/> syntax doubly questionable.
>> So what does "doclint" stand for? Read it as "doc lint" meaning it is to
>> javadoc comments what -Xlint is to javac and lint is to C code. In other
>> words, it is intended to be used to point out questionable (or erroneous)
>> input. The ";" in "for (Item i: list);" is totally legal, the cast in "String s =
>> (String) "abc"; are both legal, but we do not think it unreasonable to
>> highlight them in code, along with all the other -X lint warnings. So
>> too with -Xdoclint messages regarding javadoc comments.
>> Yes, you can say that all the browsers (now) accept this syntax -- but
>> the design intent of -Xdoclint was to highlight issues that might cause
>> a validator to give comments. For far too long, the javadoc tool itself
>> has generated bad code, and so the general goal in the ongoing javadoc
>> TLC has been that given valid input, javadoc should generate valid output,
>> where "valid" means "conforms to the published DOCTYPE" and accepted
>> by a standard recognized validator, such as the one I cited at
>> I would /strongly/ prefer that we not revert back to "is the output from javadoc
>> accepted by all browsers?".
>> Should -Xdoclint be opt-in or opt-out? For what its worth, this was
>> always a controversial decision, because of the potential for discussions like
>> this. We've ended up with a compromise. It is opt-in at javac time, which is
>> when I'd expect most interested developers to want to use it -- as a developer,
>> I want to see the doclint feedback at the time I'm writing my doc comments,
>> when I'm in the compile-edit-test cycle. But it is not enabled by default for
>> javac. But it is enabled by default in javadoc at doc-generation time.
>> When you're generating docs, it is good for folk to know that the docs do
>> not conform to the declared standard (i.e. HTML 4.01) If you're not interested
>> in the feedback, you can disable it easily enough. If you are interested,
>> a global replace of <br/> to <br> should not be an onerous task in any
>> modern IDE.
>> Finally, another message [2] in the thread mentioned HTML 5. That is definitely
>> on the upcoming radar. I would also like to see javadoc more forgiving in
>> its input while still generating conformant output. Yes, that might mean fixing
>> up minor transgressions. But not today.
>> -- Jon
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On 07/25/2013 01:22 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
>>> Jonathan, I don't see the "confirmation that this is not legal HTML" that you reference. I see a warning that some browsers may not interpret it correctly. But IE 5+ and all Firefox, Chrome, Netscape, Opera, etc. versions interpret it correctly.
>>> I understand your point about the spec not specifically allowing it. HOWEVER, I promise you there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of existing JavaDoc'd classes that will break JavaDoc generation as a result of this change.
>>> Maybe doclint (what does that stand for, by the way?) could be a default-off feature instead of a default-on feature?
>>> Nick
>>> On Jul 25, 2013, at 1:59 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>> The message about "self-closing element not allowed" is because self-closing elements are not allowed in HTML 4. The message is generated by the new "doclint" feature available in javac and javadoc, which is specifically intended to detect issues in javadoc comments. If you do not wish to use the new doclint feature, you can disable it with -Xdoclint:none.
>>>> As confirmation that this is not legal HTML, try typing a code fragment such as the following into the W3c validator at
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
>>>>> <head>
>>>>> <title>test</title>
>>>>> </head>
>>>>> <body>
>>>>> <br/>
>>>>> </body>
>>>>> </html>
>>>> You will get the following warning:
>>>>> 1. /Line 6 <>, Column 4/:
>>>>> NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
>>>>> |<br*/*>|
>>>>> For the current document, the validator interprets strings like
>>>>> |<FOO />| according to legacy rules that break the expectations of
>>>>> most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages
>>>>> from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4
>>>>> documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the
>>>>> messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If
>>>>> you expect |<FOO />| to be interpreted as an XML-compatible
>>>>> "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.
>>>>> This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted
>>>>> attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: |<a
>>>>> href=>W3C</a>|. In such cases, the solution is to
>>>>> put quotation marks around the value.
>>>> -- Jon
>>>> On 07/25/2013 11:14 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>>> Re: Invalid "self-closing element not allowed" JavaDoc error.eml
>>>>> Subject:
>>>>> Re: Invalid "self-closing element not allowed" JavaDoc error
>>>>> From:
>>>>> "David M. Lloyd" <david.lloyd at>
>>>>> Date:
>>>>> 07/25/2013 10:41 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> core-libs-dev at
>>>>> On 07/25/2013 12:27 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
>>>>>> My apologies if this is not the right place to address this. If so, please forgive and direct me to the correct list.
>>>>>> There are a lot of people/projects complaining about Java 8's new "self-closing element not allowed" error when compiling JavaDoc that has legal <br /> tags in it (just google "self-closing element not allowed" in quotes). Some (including myself) are asking, "Why should we fix this? The problem is not in the JavaDoc, it's in the JavDoc compiler." However, I haven't been able to find anyone who has actually broached the subject on any mailing lists.
>>>>>> <br /> is completely legal. While it is not strictly required by the HTML standard (unless you're using XHTML), using self-closing tags is /preferred/ because it's more obvious what the intention is. Perhaps most importantly, <br /> is supported on 100% of browsers and is used throughout JavaDoc all over the place. I have a feeling that once more projects start compiling on a released Java 8, this is going to make a fair number of people angry that hey have to "fix" (read: needlessly change) potentially thousands of classes' worth of JavaDoc.
>>>>>> What was the motivation behind the new "self-closing element not allowed" check and how can we make it go away?
>>>>> Not really having a stake in this, I just want to observe a couple things. First, from what I can see, the HTML 4.x specifications make no reference to self-closing elements or their syntactical realization. As far as I can tell (not being any kind of SGML expert), self-closing elements are not valid or meaningful HTML according to its SGML definition.
>>>>> Finally, even if they were allowed, the BR tag is explicitly defined to forbid an end tag; self-closing elements imply an end tag (at least they do in XML, which appears to be the next-nearest concrete specification that has anything to say on the matter).
>>>>> See for more info.
>>>>> So I'm curious when you say "using self-closing tags is /preferred/", do you have any sources to cite?
>>>>> --
>>>>> - DML
>>>>> Re: Invalid "self-closing element not allowed" JavaDoc error.eml
>>>>> Subject:
>>>>> Re: Invalid "self-closing element not allowed" JavaDoc error
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>
>>>>> Date:
>>>>> 07/25/2013 10:59 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> core-libs-dev at
>>>>> Its complicated, see for example:
>>>>> The key point here is not whether its in the standard or not, but what
>>>>> people actually*do*.
>>>>> There is no doubt in my mind that <br /> br space slash is very common
>>>>> indeed. Its certainly my default. The javadoc validator should be as
>>>>> lenient as browsers are in this case.
>>>>> Stephen
>>>>> On 25 July 2013 18:41, David M. Lloyd<david.lloyd at> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 07/25/2013 12:27 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
>>>>>>>>> My apologies if this is not the right place to address this. If so, please
>>>>>>>>> forgive and direct me to the correct list.
>>>>>>>>> There are a lot of people/projects complaining about Java 8's new
>>>>>>>>> "self-closing element not allowed" error when compiling JavaDoc that has
>>>>>>>>> legal <br /> tags in it (just google "self-closing element not allowed" in
>>>>>>>>> quotes). Some (including myself) are asking, "Why should we fix this? The
>>>>>>>>> problem is not in the JavaDoc, it's in the JavDoc compiler." However, I
>>>>>>>>> haven't been able to find anyone who has actually broached the subject on
>>>>>>>>> any mailing lists.
>>>>>>>>> <br /> is completely legal. While it is not strictly required by the HTML
>>>>>>>>> standard (unless you're using XHTML), using self-closing tags is/preferred/
>>>>>>>>> because it's more obvious what the intention is. Perhaps most importantly,
>>>>>>>>> <br /> is supported on 100% of browsers and is used throughout JavaDoc all
>>>>>>>>> over the place. I have a feeling that once more projects start compiling on
>>>>>>>>> a released Java 8, this is going to make a fair number of people angry that
>>>>>>>>> hey have to "fix" (read: needlessly change) potentially thousands of
>>>>>>>>> classes' worth of JavaDoc.
>>>>>>>>> What was the motivation behind the new "self-closing element not allowed"
>>>>>>>>> check and how can we make it go away?
>>>>>>> Not really having a stake in this, I just want to observe a couple things.
>>>>>>> First, from what I can see, the HTML 4.x specifications make no reference to
>>>>>>> self-closing elements or their syntactical realization. As far as I can
>>>>>>> tell (not being any kind of SGML expert), self-closing elements are not
>>>>>>> valid or meaningful HTML according to its SGML definition.
>>>>>>> Finally, even if they were allowed, the BR tag is explicitly defined to
>>>>>>> forbid an end tag; self-closing elements imply an end tag (at least they do
>>>>>>> in XML, which appears to be the next-nearest concrete specification that has
>>>>>>> anything to say on the matter).
>>>>>>> See for more info.
>>>>>>> So I'm curious when you say "using self-closing tags is/preferred/", do you
>>>>>>> have any sources to cite?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> - DML
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