Review request: JDK-8021245 (process) file leak in jdk/src/windows/native/java/lang/ProcessImpl_md.c

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jul 30 13:24:25 UTC 2013

On 29/07/2013 10:06, Alexey Utkin wrote:
> Thanks, Alan
> I did "if" reformatting and small refactoring for the code in function 
> in accordance with
> recommendations. I am sure that the presence of path separator has no 
> dependence from search direction.
> Here is the webrev:
This looks much nicer so thumbs up from me. One thing just to say that I 
don't think the JDK has been supported for Windows 9x/ME for several 
years so one of the SearchPaths isn't used nowadays. Minor comment is 
that the new comments probably should a space before/after the /* */ to 
be consistent with the other comments (no need to generate a new webrev 
for that of course).


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