Dismal performance of String.intern()

Steven Schlansker stevenschlansker at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 18:06:14 UTC 2013

Hi core-libs-dev,

While doing performance profiling of my application, I discovered that nearly 50% of the time deserializing JSON was spent within String.intern().  I understand that in general interning Strings is not the best approach for things, but I think I have a decent use case -- the value of a certain field is one of a very limited number of valid values (that are not known at compile time, so I cannot use an Enum), and is repeated many millions of times in the JSON stream.

I discovered that replacing String.intern() with a ConcurrentHashMap improved performance by almost an order of magnitude.

I'm not the only person that discovered this and was surprised: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10624232/performance-penalty-of-string-intern

I've been excited about starting to contribute to OpenJDK, so I am thinking that this might be a fun project for me to take on and then contribute back.  But I figured I should check in on the list before spending a lot of time tracking this down.  I have a couple of preparatory questions:

* Has this bottleneck been examined thoroughly before?  Am I wishing too hard for performance here?

* String.intern() is a native method currently.  My understanding is that there is a nontrivial penalty to invoking native methods (at least via JNI, not sure if this is also true for "built ins"?).  I assume the reason that this is native is so the Java intern is the same as C++-invoked interns from within the JVM itself.  Is this an actual requirement, or could String.intern be replaced with Java code?

* If the interning itself must be handled by a symbol table in C++ land as it is today, would a "second level cache" in Java land that invokes a native "intern0" method be acceptable, so that there is a low-penalty "fast path"?  If so, this would involve a nonzero memory cost, although I assume that a few thousand references inside of a Map is an OK price to pay for a (for example) 5x speedup.

* I assume the String class itself is loaded at a very sensitive time during VM initialization.  Having String initialization trigger (for example) ConcurrentHashMap class initialization may cause problems or circularities.  If this is the case, would triggering such a load lazily on the first intern() call be "late enough" as to not cause problems?

I'm sure that if I get anywhere with this I will have more questions, but this should get me started. Thank you for any advice / insight you may be able to provide!


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