8016217: More javadoc warnings

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Tue Jun 11 12:08:36 UTC 2013

The changes to classes in the security component look fine. One question 
I have is about the change to javax/xml/crypto/dsig/Manifest.java. Was 
there a specific error here or did you just want to make this cleaner by 
removing all of the html special character handling? The reason I ask is 
that there are many other classes in javax.xml.crypto which have similar 
javadoc sections, so I am wondering if they have similar issues.


On 06/10/2013 06:31 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> About 8 months ago I tried an early build of doclint [1] and used it to
> fix up a bunch issues at the time [2]. It's been awhile, so I decided to
> try out the latest version to see how it has progressed. All I can say
> is "Yikes".  The good news is that they reported against the original
> source and that makes it easy when compared to tools that validate the
> generated html.
> I decided to fix up a few issues, mostly syntax (escaping of > and < in
> particular) and a few reference issues that were missed the last time
> (or are new). There are thousands of other issues for anyone that wants
> to jump in.
> I've put the webrev with the changes here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/8016217/webrev/
> In total this fixes ~500 issues, although 270 of those were coming from
> java.sql.DatabaseMetaData due to the number of un-escaped usages of
> "=>". In many cases, the changes are simply to use {@code ..} or replace
> <code> with {@code ...}. It is tempting to just do a global replace on
> existing <code></code> usages (would fixing up content that is escaped
> of course).
> I've run specdiff on the before & after to check that I didn't mess
> anything up. One obvious difference is that code examples that use
> generics now have the type parameters going through to the generated
> javadoc.
> The webrev touches many areas but as the changes are trivial, I don't
> need a reviewer from every area.
> -Alan.
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/172
> [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/jdk/rev/39cbe256c3d1

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