RFC: 6178739 - Formatter - Zero padding flag with zero width

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Jun 25 04:25:47 UTC 2013

On 6/24/2013 12:56 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> This issue
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6178739
> exposes what could be either a minor specification or implementation flaw depending on one's interpretation. The test case is
> public class TestFormat {
>      public static void main(String argv[]) {
>          System.out.printf("%1.4f\n", 56789.456789);
>          System.out.printf("%0.4f\n", 56789.456789); // java.util.MissingFormatWidthException
>      }
> }
> The format specification applicable to the "%f" conversion is
> %[argument_index$][flag][width][.precision]conversion
> The problem comes in because, according to the specification,
> 1) zero (0) is a legal flag which indicates that the output should be zero-padded, and
> 2) width is a non-negative value indicating the minimum number of characters to be printed.
> The outcome is that the format string which provokes the exception above could be seen to be ambiguous: it could be interpreted to mean either that the output is zero-padded or that the minimum number of characters to print is zero. If one however uses the format string "%00.4f\n" to indicate zero padding and zero width it provokes a java.util.DuplicateFormatFlagsException.
> By way of comparison, this C code
>      printf("%1.4f\n", 56789.456789F);
>      printf("%0.4f\n", 56789.456789F);
> prints this output
> 56789.4570
> 56789.4570
> and providing the format string "%00.4f" is a compilation error.
> This result appears to assume a default width of zero for the zero-padded case which seems to be reasonable behavior, but it is precluded for the Formatter by the javadoc for the zero-padding flag:
> "Requires the output to be padded with leading zeros to the minimum field width following any sign or radix indicator except when converting NaN or infinity. If the width is not provided, then a MissingFormatWidthException will be thrown."
> Comments?

As a point of comparison, how does the C specification of printf and how 
do C implementations handle this combination?


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