8010309 : PlatformLogger: isLoggable performance / waste due to HashMap<Integer, Level> leads to Integer allocations (boxing)

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 15:31:17 UTC 2013

Hi Laurent, Mandy,

Let me try one more time (it would be less optimal to have 2 switch 
statements instead of one). Here's the 3rd webrev:


The changes:
- added the comments
- made LevelEnum private (to not be tempted to be used from outside the 
- used the loggingEnabled flag as a pre-check when trying to parse the 
level objects

What do you think?

Regards, Peter

On 03/21/2013 04:06 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Thanks Mandy for the clarifications !
> Peter, I propose to:
> - move the LevelEnum into the JavaLogger class in order to initialize 
> it as later as possible i.e. after j.u.l calls redirectPlatformLoggers()
> - only use it in JavaLogger class (private enum) so revert changes to 
> PlatformLogger and LoggerProxy classes
> - add few comments in the code to explain lazy initialization (see 
> mandy's answer)
> Finally, could you keep my comment before the switch case (high 
> occurences first) ?
> +        static LevelEnum forValue(int levelValue) {
> +            // higher occurences first (finest, fine, finer, info)
> +            // based on isLoggable(level) calls (03/20/2013)
> +            // in jdk project only (including generated sources)
> +            switch (levelValue) {
> +                case PlatformLogger.FINEST:  return FINEST;  // 116 + 2257 matches in generated files
> +                case PlatformLogger.FINE:    return FINE;    // 270
> +                case PlatformLogger.FINER:   return FINER;   // 157
> +                case PlatformLogger.INFO:    return INFO;    // 39
> +                case PlatformLogger.WARNING: return WARNING; // 12
> +                case PlatformLogger.CONFIG:  return CONFIG;  // 6
> +                case PlatformLogger.SEVERE:  return SEVERE;  // 1
> +                case PlatformLogger.OFF:     return OFF;     // 0
> +                case PlatformLogger.ALL:     return ALL;     // 0
> +                default:                     return UNKNOWN;
> +            }
> +        }
> cheers,
> Laurent
> 2013/3/21 Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com 
> <mailto:mandy.chung at oracle.com>>
>     Laurent, Peter,
>     I haven't looked at the patch yet.  One thing worths mentioning is
>     that PlatformLogger was added for the platform code to use so as
>     to avoid the initialization of java.util.logging since logging is
>     not turned on by default and that to reduce the startup overhead.
>       In addition, it also enables the elimination of the core classes
>     dependency from java.util.logging for modularization effort. 
>     Therefore the PlatformLogger only lazily looks up the Level object
>     when java.util.logging is present and also has been initialized by
>     application code.
>     Mandy
>     On 3/21/2013 7:45 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>     On 03/21/2013 03:30 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>     Peter,
>>>     your solution looks better; I wanted my patch to be simple,
>>>     efficient and only modify the JavaLogger class (localized changes).
>>>     In your patch, I have doubts related to lazy and conditional
>>>     initialization in JavaLogger (static initialization):
>>>     if (LoggingSupport.isAvailable()) {
>>>          // initialize ...
>>>     }
>>     In original code, if LoggingSupport.isAvailable() returned false,
>>     levelObjects map remained empty and consequently null was used as
>>     the level object passed to LoggingSupport methods. In LevelEnum I
>>     try to keep this logic. When LevelEnum is first used, it's
>>     constants are initialized and level objects with them. If
>>     LoggingSupport.isAvailable() returns false, level objects are
>>     initialized to null.
>>     I just noticed there's a bug in initialization of the
>>     LevelEnum.UNKNOWN member constant. It should not try to parse
>>     level object. Here's an update:
>>     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/PlatformLogger/webrev.02/index.html
>>     But your concern might be correct. In my code LevelEnum is also
>>     used from the LoggerProxy.format() method (in addition to all the
>>     places in JavaLogger) to obtain the level name for formatting. If
>>     this method is called the first time while
>>     LoggingSupport.isAvailable() returns false and that happens
>>     before JavaLogger uses LevelEnum for the first time (and at that
>>     time LoggingSupport.isAvailable() would return true), then level
>>     objects will not be initialized correctly.
>>     Lazy initialization of level objects might help (for the price of
>>     added complexity)...
>>     Regards, Peter
>>>     Does somebody have the knowledge about LoggingSupport.isAvailable()
>>>     and the lazy PlatformLogger initialization (JavaLogger are only used when j.u.l is initialized) ?
>>>     What's happening if LoggingSupport.isAvailable() returns false in your patch ?
>>>     - LevelEnum  instances are incorrectly initialized:object field is null !
>>>     - PlatformLogger is then broken ... as Level object are required by j.u.l calls
>>>     To fix both problems, moving theLevelEnum  into JavaLogger should help and check nulls onLevelEnum.object field.
>>>     Thanks for your feedback,
>>>     Laurent
>>>     2013/3/21 Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com>>
>>>         On 03/21/2013 12:12 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>             Here is an improved patch tested on JDK7u13 and JDK8
>>>             internal build on my
>>>             machine linux x64:
>>>             http://jmmc.fr/~bourgesl/share/webrev-8010309/
>>>             <http://jmmc.fr/%7Ebourgesl/share/webrev-8010309/>
>>>             FYI, I removed completely the Map<Integer, Object>
>>>             levelObjects and used
>>>             two arrays to perform the PlatformLogger's level (int)
>>>             to j.u.l.Level
>>>             mapping:
>>>             I decided to keep it simple as possible (no enum ...)
>>>             and used a switch
>>>             case based on current level occurences:
>>>         Hi Laurent,
>>>         In my experience enums are just the right and most compact
>>>         tool for coding such constant associations. Here's a quick
>>>         try (ripping off your optimized switch ;-):
>>>         http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/PlatformLogger/webrev.01/index.html
>>>         ...it adds 12 LOC to the original PlatformLogger and is 43
>>>         LOC less tha your patch. In addition:
>>>         - only one switch instead of two (to maintain)
>>>         - no parallel IDX_ constants
>>>         What do you think?
>>>         Regards, Peter
>>>               510         /**
>>>               511          * Return the corresponding j.u.l.Level
>>>             instance
>>>               512          * @param level PlatformLogger level as
>>>             integer
>>>               513          * @return Object (j.u.l.Level instance)
>>>             or null if no
>>>             matching level
>>>               514          */
>>>               515         private static Object getLevel(final int
>>>             level) {
>>>               516             if (levelObjects == null) {
>>>               517                 return null;
>>>               518             }
>>>               519             // higher occurences first (finest,
>>>             fine, finer, info)
>>>               520             // based on isLoggable(level) calls
>>>             (03/20/2013)
>>>               521             // in jdk project only (including
>>>             generated sources)
>>>               522             switch (level) {
>>>               523                 case FINEST  : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_FINEST];
>>>             // 116 + 2257 matches in generated files
>>>               524                 case FINE    : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_FINE];    // 270
>>>               525                 case FINER   : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_FINER];   // 157
>>>               526                 case INFO    : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_INFO];    // 39
>>>               527                 case WARNING : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_WARNING]; // 12
>>>               528                 case CONFIG  : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_CONFIG];  // 6
>>>               529                 case SEVERE  : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_SEVERE];  // 1
>>>               530                 case OFF     : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_OFF];     // 0
>>>               531                 case ALL     : return
>>>             levelObjects[IDX_ALL];     // 0
>>>               532                 default      : return null;
>>>               533             }
>>>               534         }
>>>             I enhanced the PlatformLoggerTest class also and figured
>>>             out that TLAB
>>>             optimized Integer allocations but I think the patch is
>>>             still useful.
>>>             Can you have a look to the patch ?
>>>             Should I write a jtreg test  (performance / GC issue) ?
>>>             Cheers,
>>>             Laurent
>>>             2013/3/20 Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com
>>>             <mailto:mandy.chung at oracle.com>>
>>>                   Hi Laurent,
>>>                 Thank you for signing the OCA.  Your contribution is
>>>                 very welcome.  You
>>>                 can submit a patch for this bug (see [1]) to Core
>>>                 libraries group which
>>>                 owns logging.  Jim Gish and I will sponsor it.
>>>                 Thanks
>>>                 Mandy
>>>                 [1] http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/
>>>                 On 3/20/2013 5:45 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>                 Hi mandy,
>>>                 Do you want me to propose an improved patch to
>>>                 remove the former Map and
>>>                 fix the getLevel() method ? or you prefer fix on
>>>                 your own ?
>>>                 Is it better to discuss the fix on the bug database
>>>                 (still not visible) ?
>>>                 Laurent
>>>                 2013/3/19 Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com
>>>                 <mailto:mandy.chung at oracle.com>>
>>>                     Hi Laurent,
>>>                     Thanks for the contribution.  I agree that the
>>>                     map can be replaced with a
>>>                     direct mapping from a int value to Level object
>>>                     and avoid the autoboxing
>>>                     conversion.
>>>                     I have filed a bug to track this and target this
>>>                     for JDK8:
>>>                     http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=
>>>                     8010309
>>>                     Thanks
>>>                     Mandy
>>>                     On 3/19/13 5:19 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>                     Dear all,
>>>                     I run recently netbeans profiler on my swing
>>>                     application (Aspro2:http://www.jmmc.fr/aspro
>>>                     ) under linux x64 platform and figured out a
>>>                     performance and waste issue related to
>>>                     PlatformLogger.
>>>                     Actually, the JavaLogger implementation uses a
>>>                     Map<Integer, Object>
>>>                     levelObjects to store mapping between
>>>                     PlatformLogger's levels (int) and JUL
>>>                     Level instances.
>>>                     However, the isLoggable(int level) method is
>>>                     highly used by awt project and
>>>                     other JDK projects and it leads to many Integer
>>>                     allocations as autoboxing
>>>                     converts the level as int to an Integer instance
>>>                     used by the Map.get() call.
>>>                          /**
>>>                           * JavaLogger forwards all the calls to its
>>>                     corresponding
>>>                           * java.util.logging.Logger object.
>>>                           */
>>>                          static class JavaLogger extends LoggerProxy {
>>>                              private static final* Map<Integer,
>>>                     Object>* levelObjects = new
>>>                     HashMap<>();
>>>                     ...
>>>                              public boolean isLoggable(*int level*) {
>>>                                  return
>>>                     LoggingSupport.isLoggable(javaLogger, *
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level)*);
>>>                              }
>>>                          }
>>>                     I wrote a simple test to illustrate that
>>>                     performance / waste problem:
>>>                     PlatformLoggerTest that simply performs 1
>>>                     million DISABLED log statements:
>>>                                  if
>>>                     (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
>>>                                      log.finest("test
>>>                     PlatformLogger.FINEST");
>>>                                  }
>>>                     As you can see in screenshots:
>>>                     - 5 million Integer instances are allocated
>>>                     - Integer.valueOf(int) is called 5 million times
>>>                     (autoboxing)
>>>                     - HashMap.get() represents 30% of the test time
>>>                     - patched PlatformLogger is 3x times faster
>>>                     [jvm options: -Xms8m -Xmx8m -verbose:gc]
>>>                     I suggest you to use an alternative way to map
>>>                     PlatformLogger's levels
>>>                     (int) and JUL Level instances to fix that
>>>                     performance / memory issue: I
>>>                     added the getLevel(int level) method that
>>>                     performs a switch case to return
>>>                     the corresponding Level object (quick and dirty
>>>                     solution).
>>>                     I advocate this is not a very clean solution but
>>>                     I prefer efficiency here:
>>>                     any better solution may be appropriate to avoid
>>>                     at least Integer allocation
>>>                     and maybe enhance performance.
>>>                     Best regards,
>>>                     Laurent Bourgès
>>>                     PS: here is the patch as text:
>>>                     # This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE
>>>                     # It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n
>>>                     newlines.
>>>                     --- PlatformLogger.java (6767)
>>>                     +++ PlatformLogger.java (6768)
>>>                     @@ -468,31 +468,13 @@
>>>                            * java.util.logging.Logger object.
>>>                            */
>>>                           static class JavaLogger extends LoggerProxy {
>>>                     -        /** Note: using Integer keys leads to a
>>>                     lot of new Integer
>>>                     instances !! */
>>>                     -        private static final Map<Integer,
>>>                     Object> levelObjects = new
>>>                     HashMap<>();
>>>                     -        /** fastest mapping to Level instances
>>>                     from PlatformLogger level
>>>                     as integer */
>>>                     -        private static final Object[]
>>>                     fastLevelObjects;
>>>                     -
>>>                     -
>>>                     +        private static final Map<Integer,
>>>                     Object> levelObjects =
>>>                     +            new HashMap<>();
>>>                     +
>>>                               static {
>>>                                   if (LoggingSupport.isAvailable()) {
>>>                                       // initialize the map to Level
>>>                     objects
>>>                                       getLevelObjects();
>>>                     -
>>>                     -                // initialize the fastLevelObjects:
>>>                     -                fastLevelObjects = new Object[] {
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(OFF)),
>>>                           //
>>>                     0
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(SEVERE)),  
>>>                      //
>>>                     1
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(WARNING)),
>>>                       //
>>>                     2
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(INFO)),
>>>                          //
>>>                     3
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(CONFIG)),  
>>>                      //
>>>                     4
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(FINE)),
>>>                          //
>>>                     5
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(FINER)),
>>>                         //
>>>                     6
>>>                     -
>>>                      LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(FINEST)),  
>>>                      //
>>>                     7
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.parseLevel(getLevelName(ALL))
>>>                            //
>>>                     8
>>>                     -                };
>>>                     -            } else {
>>>                     -                fastLevelObjects = null; //
>>>                     check null
>>>                                   }
>>>                               }
>>>                     @@ -515,7 +497,7 @@
>>>                                   this.javaLogger =
>>>                     LoggingSupport.getLogger(name);
>>>                                   if (level != 0) {
>>>                                       // level has been updated and
>>>                     so set the Logger's level
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.setLevel(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(level));
>>>                     +  LoggingSupport.setLevel(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level));
>>>                                   }
>>>                               }
>>>                     @@ -526,11 +508,11 @@
>>>                               * not be updated.
>>>                               */
>>>                               void doLog(int level, String msg) {
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(level), msg);
>>>                     +  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level), msg);
>>>                               }
>>>                               void doLog(int level, String msg,
>>>                     Throwable t) {
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(level), msg, t);
>>>                     +  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level), msg,
>>>                     t);
>>>                               }
>>>                               void doLog(int level, String msg,
>>>                     Object... params) {
>>>                     @@ -544,12 +526,12 @@
>>>                                   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>>>                                       sparams [i] =
>>>                     String.valueOf(params[i]);
>>>                                   }
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(level), msg, sparams);
>>>                     +  LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level), msg,
>>>                     sparams);
>>>                               }
>>>                               boolean isEnabled() {
>>>                                   Object level =
>>>                     LoggingSupport.getLevel(javaLogger);
>>>                     -            return level == null ||
>>>                     level.equals(getLevel(OFF)) == false;
>>>                     +            return level == null ||
>>>                     level.equals(levelObjects.get(OFF)) ==
>>>                     false;
>>>                               }
>>>                               int getLevel() {
>>>                     @@ -566,34 +548,12 @@
>>>                               void setLevel(int newLevel) {
>>>                                   levelValue = newLevel;
>>>                     -  LoggingSupport.setLevel(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(newLevel));
>>>                     +  LoggingSupport.setLevel(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(newLevel));
>>>                               }
>>>                               public boolean isLoggable(int level) {
>>>                     -            return
>>>                     LoggingSupport.isLoggable(javaLogger,
>>>                     getLevel(level));
>>>                     +            return
>>>                     LoggingSupport.isLoggable(javaLogger,
>>>                     levelObjects.get(level));
>>>                               }
>>>                     -
>>>                     -        /**
>>>                     -         * Return the corresponding level
>>>                     object (fastest implementation)
>>>                     -         * @param level PlatformLogger level as
>>>                     primitive integer
>>>                     -         * @return Object (JUL Level instance)
>>>                     -         */
>>>                     -        private static Object getLevel(final
>>>                     int level) {
>>>                     -            // higher occurences first (finest,
>>>                     fine, finer, info):
>>>                     -            switch (level) {
>>>                     -                case FINEST  : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[7];
>>>                     -                case FINE    : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[5];
>>>                     -                case FINER   : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[6];
>>>                     -                case INFO    : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[3];
>>>                     -                case CONFIG  : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[4];
>>>                     -                case WARNING : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[2];
>>>                     -                case SEVERE  : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[1];
>>>                     -                case ALL     : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[8];
>>>                     -                case OFF     : return
>>>                     fastLevelObjects[0];
>>>                     -                default      : return null;
>>>                     -            }
>>>                     -        }
>>>                     -
>>>                           }
>>>                           private static String getLevelName(int
>>>                     level) {

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