8010309 : PlatformLogger: isLoggable performance / waste due to HashMap<Integer, Level> leads to Integer allocations (boxing)

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 09:52:54 UTC 2013

On 03/28/2013 04:02 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> It looks better.   I want to wrap up this patch and push the changeset 
> tomorrow.   I have made slight modification and clean up some comments 
> and the test.  See my comments inlined below.
> Webrev at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchung/jdk8/webrevs/8010309/webrev.00/
> Please let me know if you don't agree with these changes or you find 
> any performance issue.

Hi Mandy,

Your changes make sense. The performance impact (using 2 volatile fields 
instead of 3) is negligable. It is actually a little faster on i7 CPU 
and a little slower on T2-sparc, but only affects the speed of 
DefaultLoggerProxy code-path (see my previous mail for comparison):

# Java: 1.8.0-internal-peter_2013_01_16_13_44-b00
#   VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.0-b14 (mixed mode)
#   OS: Linux 3.7.9-104.fc17.x86_64 (amd64)
# CPUs: 8 (virtual)
# isLoggableFinest: run duration:  3,000 ms
# Warm up:
#           1 threads, Tavg =      1.42 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     1.42]
#           1 threads, Tavg =      1.42 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     1.42]
# Measure:
             1 threads, Tavg =      1.47 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     
             2 threads, Tavg =      1.46 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.48,      1.45]
             3 threads, Tavg =      1.46 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.47,      1.45,      1.45]
             4 threads, Tavg =      1.47 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.48,      1.46,      1.48,      1.45]
# java.util.logging enabled
# isLoggableFinest: run duration:  3,000 ms
# Measure:
             1 threads, Tavg =      1.74 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     
             2 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.60,      1.58]
             3 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.59,      1.58,      1.58]
             4 threads, Tavg =      1.61 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.62,      1.60,      1.60,      1.61]
             1 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     
             2 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.59,      1.58]
             3 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     
1.59,      1.59,      1.59]
             4 threads, Tavg =      1.64 ns/op (? =   0.02 ns/op) [     
1.64,      1.64,      1.62,      1.67]
             1 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [     
             2 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.60,      1.58]
             3 threads, Tavg =      1.69 ns/op (? =   0.15 ns/op) [     
1.59,      1.91,      1.60]
             4 threads, Tavg =      1.59 ns/op (? =   0.01 ns/op) [     
1.60,      1.59,      1.59,      1.59]
# END.

# Java: 1.8.0-ea-b82
#   VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.0-b23 (mixed mode)
#   OS: SunOS 5.10 (sparcv9)
# CPUs: 64 (virtual)
# isLoggableFinest: run duration:  3,000 ms
# Warm up:
#           1 threads, Tavg =     45.97 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [    45.97]
#           1 threads, Tavg =     42.99 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [    42.99]
# Measure:
             1 threads, Tavg =     43.10 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [    
             2 threads, Tavg =     43.06 ns/op (? =   0.03 ns/op) [    
43.03,     43.08]
             3 threads, Tavg =     43.13 ns/op (? =   0.23 ns/op) [    
43.46,     42.99,     42.95]
             4 threads, Tavg =     43.19 ns/op (? =   0.14 ns/op) [    
42.97,     43.19,     43.36,     43.25]
# java.util.logging enabled
# isLoggableFinest: run duration:  3,000 ms
# Measure:
             1 threads, Tavg =    102.15 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [   
             2 threads, Tavg =    100.78 ns/op (? =   0.13 ns/op) [   
100.65,    100.90]
             3 threads, Tavg =     49.12 ns/op (? =   0.11 ns/op) [    
48.97,     49.20,     49.18]
             4 threads, Tavg =     49.20 ns/op (? =   0.09 ns/op) [    
49.09,     49.31,     49.13,     49.27]
             1 threads, Tavg =     49.16 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [    
             2 threads, Tavg =     48.98 ns/op (? =   0.03 ns/op) [    
48.95,     49.01]
             3 threads, Tavg =     49.04 ns/op (? =   0.09 ns/op) [    
48.94,     49.15,     49.04]
             4 threads, Tavg =     49.08 ns/op (? =   0.12 ns/op) [    
48.93,     49.11,     49.02,     49.26]
             1 threads, Tavg =     49.06 ns/op (? =   0.00 ns/op) [    
             2 threads, Tavg =     49.26 ns/op (? =   0.32 ns/op) [    
48.94,     49.59]
             3 threads, Tavg =     49.01 ns/op (? =   0.06 ns/op) [    
49.09,     48.95,     49.00]
             4 threads, Tavg =     49.66 ns/op (? =   0.34 ns/op) [    
49.90,     49.70,     49.10,     49.96]
# END.

...just a nit! In the test:

     private static void checkPlatformLoggerLevelMapping(Level level) {
         // map the given level to PlatformLogger.Level of the same name 
and value
         PlatformLogger.Level platformLevel = 
         if (platformLevel == null || platformLevel.intValue() != 
level.intValue()) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Mismatched level: " + level
                     + " PlatformLogger.Level" + platformLevel);

The Level.valueOf(String) is guaranteed to not return null.

Regards, Peter

> I have retained the part in webrev.08 that only defines loggerProxy 
> and javaLoggerProxy.  I don't think the new defaultLoggerProxy 
> variable is needed.  I prefer to use Class.forName to force load 
> JavaLoggerProxy class to make very explicit that we don't want the 
> class be initialized. JavaLoggerProxy.<clinit> calls 
> LoggingProxy.parseLevel unconditionally that will throw an 
> AssertionError if java.util.logging is not available. If 
> JavaLoggerProxy class is initialized, j.u.logging should be present 
> and I want to catch error if otherwise.  Also Class.forName will load 
> its superclass LoggerProxy.
> As for the PlatformLogger.Level enums, having the members to be 
> defined in ascending order is fragile.  It'd be more reliable to 
> specify the value in the constructor so that it can be used as the 
> isLoggable comparsion in the same way as in the Level implementation.
> I am running the jdk core regression tests on all platforms and should 
> have the result by tomorrow.
> On 3/27/2013 9:44 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Hi Mandy, Laurent,
>> It turns out that the API change (change of type for level parameter 
>> int -> enum Level) is entirely source-compatible. The tip of JDK8 (tl 
>> repo) builds without a problem. So no-one is currently using 
>> PlatformLogger.getLevel() method and assigning it to a variable or 
>> such...
> Great thanks.  That is what I expect too.
>> Here's the webrev for this change:
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/PlatformLogger/webrev.enumapi.01/index.html
>> Besides doing the replacement of type and renaming and removing of 
>> the unneeded stuff, I also did some re-arrangements:
>> - introduced a common abstract superclass for both types of 
>> LoggerProxys (DefaultLoggerProxy, JavaLoggerProxy), since 
>> JavaLoggerProxy does not need the fields of DefaultLoggerProxy and 
>> now both concrete subclasses can be declared final (makes JIT even 
>> more happy). Also the abstract LoggerProxy could host some common 
>> logic (see below about formatting)...
> That's a good idea.
>> - DefaultLoggerProxy's levelValue/effectiveLevel were given names 
>> just the opposite of their meaning. I aligned them with terminology 
>> used in j.u.l.Logger and renamed levelValue to plain level.
> Swapping these 2 variables makes sense.
>> - introduced private method 
>> DefaultLoggerProxy.deriveEffectiveLevel(level) that currently just 
>> returns defaultLevel (INFO) when given null.
> Ok.
>> I think with a little more effort, it could be possible to emulate 
>> the behaviour of j.u.l.Logger which inherits from 1st parent logger 
>> that has non-null level assigned. Of course with all the caching and 
>> invalidation...
> The only way to change the level to a non-default one is via the 
> logging configuration and enable logging.  That's why there is no need 
> for DefaultLoggerProxy to inherit level from its parent logger.  Also 
> there is no parent logger hierarchy maintained in DefaultLoggerProxy.
>> - instead of static final DefaultLoggerProxy.defaultStream I created 
>> a private static method outputStream() that returns System.err. To 
>> accomodate for the situation when System.err is changed dynamically.
> Ok.
>> - fixed the JavaLoggerProxy.isEnabled() method. Original code was:
>>   532         boolean isEnabled() {
>>   533             Object level = LoggingSupport.getLevel(javaLogger);
>>   534             return level == null || level.equals(levelObjects.get(OFF)) == false;
>>   535         }
>> If 'level' is null then it can be that 1st parent that has a non-nul 
>> level is "OFF". I think that in such situation all the children that 
>> don't override the level should be disabled too. The following does 
>> exactly that:
>>   597         boolean isEnabled() {
>>   598             return LoggingSupport.isLoggable(javaLogger, Level.OFF.javaLevel);
>>   599         }
> That is right.  Good catch.
>> That's all for 1st rev. Besides the effective level inheritance, the 
>> following method in JavaLoggerProxy also caught my eye:
>>         void doLog(Level level, String msg, Object... params) {
>>             if (!isLoggable(level)) {
>>                 return;
>>             }
>>             // only pass String objects to the j.u.l.Logger which may
>>             // be created by untrusted code
>>             int len = (params != null) ? params.length : 0;
>>             Object[] sparams = new String[len];
>>             for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>>                 sparams [i] = String.valueOf(params[i]);
>>             }
>>             LoggingSupport.log(javaLogger, level.javaLevel, msg, 
>> sparams);
>>         }
>> I think this could be improved if the 
>> DefaultLoggerProxy.formatMessage() is used instead of turning each 
>> parameter into a String. The method could be moved up to abstract 
>> LoggerProxy and used in both implementations so that common 
>> formatting is applied regardless of back-end used.
> Let's do this in a separate clean up as it's better to keep 8010309 
> focus on performance improvement (although we have mixed this bag with 
> some renaming).
>> The benchmarks still show stable performance:
> Great.  Hope we will wrap up tomorrow.
> thanks for the contribution.
> Mandy
>> Regards, Peter
>> On 03/26/2013 10:37 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/PlatformLogger/webrev.08/index.html
>>> I'm glad that you observe similar performance improvement without 
>>> the need of method handles.  I reviewed this version and realize 
>>> that the map from j.u.l.Level object to LevelEnum can be removed 
>>> entirely.
>>> sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger is an internal API that should only 
>>> be used by JDK.  The static final int fields representing the level 
>>> value can be changed to be static final LevelEnum type instead.  I 
>>> checked the JDK code that uses PlatformLogger and no code will be 
>>> impacted by the change of the type of these static fields.  So it 
>>> removes the need to map from an integer value to LevelEnum.  Mapping 
>>> from a j.u.l.Level to LevelEnum is trivial - the name of the 
>>> LevelEnum is the same as j.u.l.Level (e.g. LevelEnum.FINEST and 
>>> Level.FINEST), you can call LoggingSupport.getLevelName(javaLevel) 
>>> to find its name and LevelEnum.valueOf(levelName) returns the 
>>> LevelEnum instance.  However, this would require more changes - 
>>> basically the methods taking "int level" as a parameter would be 
>>> modified to take LevelEnum and getLevel() would return LevelEnum 
>>> too.  I think it's worth doing this cleanup to get rid of the 
>>> unnecessary conversion from int -> enum -> j.u.l.Level and vice 
>>> versa.  I also recommend to rename LevelEnum to Level which is an 
>>> inner class of PlatformLogger.  What do you think of this 
>>> alternative to get rid of the map?
>>> Some other comments of your patch:
>>> - it renames the class JavaLogger to JavaLoggerProxy and the 
>>> variable from logger to loggerProxy. I'm fine with that.
>>> - L162: JavaLoggerProxy.init() to force load of the class which 
>>> leads to separating the initialization of LevelEnum.javaLevel in a 
>>> new JavaLevel class.  The JavaLevel utility methods are not needed 
>>> if we change the static final fields to LevelEnum.
>>> Have you tried:
>>> Class.forName("sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.JavaLoggerProxy", 
>>> false, PlatformLogger.getClassLoader());
>>> would this give you the same performance improvement?  If so, you 
>>> can keep the static initialization in the JavaLoggerProxy class.
>>> Thanks for expanding the PlatformLoggerTest to cover additional test 
>>> cases.  It's good that you compare the value of the PlatformLogger 
>>> static final fields with j.u.l.Level.intValue().  You now can use 
>>> the API to compare the LevelEnum with Level rather than reflection.  
>>> Perhaps you can add the getName() and intValue() methods in 
>>> LevelEnum class (just a thought).
>>> Mandy
>>> On 3/25/13 9:31 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Well, Laurent, Mandy,
>>>> It turns out that the dispatch speed-up (or lack of slow-down to be 
>>>> precise) is possible without MethodHandles too. Maybe some VM guru 
>>>> could shed some light on this, but the following is currently the 
>>>> fastest variant:
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/PlatformLogger/webrev.08/index.html
>>>> What I did is a simple "if" deciding between two call-sites, making 
>>>> sure that each is only dispatching to single class. This only 
>>>> works, if both classes (LoggerProxy and JavaLoggerProxy) are loaded 
>>>> in advance, before 1st invocation on any of them is made (might be 
>>>> that using MethodHandles forced initialization of both classes 
>>>> beforehand and hence the speed-up). If I don't load JavaLoggerProxy 
>>>> before warming-up with LoggerProxy, then when j.u.logging is 
>>>> enabled, speed drops for a factor of almost 4 and never catches up 
>>>> even after very long time.
>>>> This pre-loading also helps for a normal single call site dispatch 
>>>> that dispatches to two distinct classes, but the speed 1st drops 
>>>> when the class changes, and only catches-up after several billions 
>>>> of iterations (30s tight loop on i7).
>>>> Now, because JavaLoggerProxy is initialized early, I had to move 
>>>> the initialization of j.u.logging.Level objects and mappings to a 
>>>> separate class "JavaLevel".
>>>> Here are the benchmark results for this last iteration...

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