[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] sun.java2D.pisces big memory usage (waste ?)

Andrea Aime andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it
Sat Mar 30 10:45:29 UTC 2013

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Laurent Bourgès
<bourges.laurent at gmail.com>wrote:

> Andrea,
> It could be very interesting if you could provide some concrete example
> about your map server: typical image height / width, shape complexity
> (number, size, path sizes ...).

It's all over the place. Image size: from 256x256 to 10000x10000, number of
shapes, from a few hundreds to a few millions, path sizes, from say 10
to thousands (the code already makes sure there are no two consequent
points sitting in the same pixel before trying to draw them),
stroke wise it can be simple or using dasharrays.

> Ideally if you could write a test class (sample) computing a single image
> it would be very helpful for me to compare my patched pisces vs current one.

I don't have anything ready, the existing code loads data from spatial
database, sets up styles from XML descriptions, turns each spatial db
geomety in java shapes
and so on. But I guess I could concoct something close enough.
I'm writing some code to gather statistics about the shapes that are
actually painted (scrolling over the path iterators) and then I'll try to
make a randomized
shape painter that gets close to those stats.


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Ing. Andrea Aime
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