Review Request: BigInteger patch for efficient multiplication and division (#4837946)

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at
Fri May 3 00:37:53 UTC 2013

On May 2, 2013, at 5:02 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

> On 02/05/2013 02:34, Tim Buktu wrote:
>> :
>> Alan is working on an improved BigInteger.toString() that should be
>> dramatically faster for large numbers. What's the deadline for getting
>> this in?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
> Here's the latest milestone dates:
> Given the size of the patch then it would be great to get it in as early as possible. With the review effort then I assume Feature Complete is too tight although I know Brian Burkhalter is anxious to get it in as soon as possible. I can't comment on the BigInteger.toString work to know how big this is.

I think that's the best answer that can be given: as soon as possible. The 4837946 patch is far from simple to comprehend to say the least and then there is the testing so it's not going to be fast. If the toString() work is ready early enough to review then perhaps we can handle it, but I don't want to make anyone hurry to complete something and then say we cannot do it.



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