RFC 7038914: VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri May 10 03:34:43 UTC 2013
string ref -> strong ref <sigh>
On 10/05/2013 1:20 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 9/05/2013 10:13 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> On 05/09/2013 01:33 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> On 9/05/2013 9:16 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> On 05/09/2013 12:02 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> Thanks for clarifying the test details. A few follow ups:
>>>>> - The reference class does get initialized early in the VM startup
>>>>> well before Main will be loaded. But the use of the weakref doesn't
>>>>> hurt.
>>>> Ok, so if this is guaranteed, we can remove the weakref construction.
>>>>> - 500ms may not be enough on some platforms, particularly some
>>>>> embedded systems. Ideally we could code up a handshake using another
>>>>> weakref that would guarantee that the handler thread really survived
>>>>> past the OOM. But at some point this just becomes a no-reg-hard
>>>>> situation :)
>>>> If we used a weakref then there should be a delay between the
>>>> referenceHandlerThread.interrupt() and the release of the
>>>> WeakReference's referent, otherwise the WeakReference could be cleared
>>>> and enqueued before Reference Handler attempts to throw
>>>> InterruptedException (this really happens - I tried without delay and
>>>> the clearing/enqueueing was quicker than interrupt). After this initial
>>>> delay (currently set to 500ms) releasing the referent and waiting for
>>>> WeakReference to be enqueued (while executing System.gc()) is analogous
>>>> to testing for referenceHandlerThread.isAlive() - the only difference
>>>> being the code that has to be executed in Reference Handler while
>>>> unwinding the stack until the state of thread changes to TERMINATED.
>>>> Can
>>>> this be delayed for a long time?
>>> What I was thinking was that after we interrupt we then create a new
>>> weakref
>> Can't do that immediately (no space)!
>>> and we loop until the ref gets cleared, or we detect the reference
>>> thread is not alive (with a sleep in between). One of those two
>>> conditions must become true.
>> To create a weakref after interrupt, we have to 1st wait some time (to
>> give Reference Handler thread a chance to throw OOME), then free the
>> heap (release 'waste' and possibly do some System.gc()) to get some
>> space for weakref creation. After we do that, a chance that Reference
>> Handler thread is just in the process of unwinding the stack after
>> uncaught OOME and referenceHandlerThread.isAlive() still returns true is
>> minimal. Do you think we should wait some more to be sure thread is
>> still alive?
> "create a new weakref" was the wrong thing to say. We should already
> have the weakref and then clear the string ref (wrapped by the weakref)
> and wait for the weakref to be cleared (or not) - which would require
> looping with system.gc() call.
>>>>> - I'm not certain that setting waste=null is sufficient to guarantee
>>>>> the next allocation will succeed under all GC's. GC folk can
>>>>> confim/deny that.
>>>> We can pre-allocate the test-fail exception before doing fillHeap() so
>>>> that we can conditionally throw it later, like this:
>>> So when we do the throw there is logic in the launcher that will try
>>> to print the stacktrace, which may also encounter OOME unless we have
>>> freed the heap. So I think we want to release memory, I just wasn't
>>> certain that simply setting waste=null would guarantee it.
>> 'waste' is local variable and goes out of scope when main() is finished.
> Good point. But again I'm not certain that once waste is null, or out of
> scope, that an attempted allocation (eg for stacktrace) will force GC to
> run, release everything, and have the allocation succeed. This is what
> I'd like GC folk to confirm/refute.
>> So in final variation I haven't even bothered to set it to null at the
>> end. What do you suggest for successful test failure? Setting 'waste' to
>> null, followed by a System.gc() and Thread.sleep()? Can we signal test
>> failure in another way? System.exit(1)?
> The test harness expects exceptions for failures. System.exit is not
> allowed in general.
> David
> -----
>> Regards, Peter
>>> David
>>> ------
>>>> public class Test {
>>>> static Object[] fillHeap() {
>>>> Object[] first = null, last = null;
>>>> int size = 1 << 20;
>>>> while (size > 0) {
>>>> try {
>>>> Object[] array = new Object[size];
>>>> if (first == null) {
>>>> first = array;
>>>> } else {
>>>> last[0] = array;
>>>> }
>>>> last = array;
>>>> } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
>>>> size = size >>> 1;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> return first;
>>>> }
>>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>>> ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
>>>> for (
>>>> ThreadGroup tgn = tg;
>>>> tgn != null;
>>>> tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent()
>>>> )
>>>> ;
>>>> Thread[] threads = new Thread[tg.activeCount()];
>>>> Thread referenceHandlerThread = null;
>>>> int n = tg.enumerate(threads);
>>>> for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
>>>> if ("Reference Handler".equals(threads[i].getName())) {
>>>> referenceHandlerThread = threads[i];
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> if (referenceHandlerThread == null) {
>>>> throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find Reference
>>>> Handler thread.");
>>>> }
>>>> // pre-allocate failure so that we don't cause OOME later
>>>> Exception failure = new Exception("Reference Handler thread
>>>> died.");
>>>> Object waste = fillHeap();
>>>> referenceHandlerThread.interrupt();
>>>> // allow referenceHandlerThread some time to throw OOME
>>>> Thread.sleep(500L);
>>>> if (waste != null && // keep 'waste' reference alive until
>>>> this
>>>> point
>>>> !referenceHandlerThread.isAlive()// check that the handler
>>>> is still alive
>>>> ) {
>>>> throw failure;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>> On 9/05/2013 6:35 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/09/2013 07:53 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Thomas,
>>>>>>> On 9/05/2013 1:28 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> please review the latest webrev for this patch that is
>>>>>>>> available at
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/7038914/webrev.2/
>>>>>>>> As mentioned, it incorporates the fix and reproducer from Peter
>>>>>>>> Levart.
>>>>>>> Fix is fine.
>>>>>>> I'm not sure about the test (sorry I didn't pay it attention
>>>>>>> earlier).
>>>>>>> Have you instrumented the code to verify that the test actually
>>>>>>> triggers an OOME? It may be possible that if the OOME did kill the
>>>>>>> reference thread that we wouldn't necessarily detect it using the
>>>>>>> sleeps etc. Also I don't understand the need for the actual weakRef
>>>>>>> usage and System.gc() etc. If the heap is full then the interrupt
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> wake the reference handler thread and the allocation will trigger
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> OOME. It doesn't matter if there are any references to process. The
>>>>>>> main logic might then reduce to:
>>>>>>> referenceHandlerThread.interrupt();
>>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
>>>>>>> if (!referenceHandlerThread.isAlive())
>>>>>>> throw new Exception("Reference-handler thread died");
>>>>>>> Thread.sleep(1000);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> which just gives it 10s to die else assumes all ok. ?
>>>>>>> But I can live with existing test (it just might vacuously pass)
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>> Hi David, Thomas,
>>>>>> Yes, this was just a left-over from my bug reproducer that
>>>>>> demonstrated
>>>>>> the situation where WeakReference was cleared, but nothing was
>>>>>> enqueue-d
>>>>>> into the ReferenceQueue. Reference Handler thread otherwise just
>>>>>> sleeps
>>>>>> in lock.wait() most of the time if there's nothing to do and
>>>>>> interrupting it's thread will trigger allocation of
>>>>>> InterruptedException
>>>>>> and consequently OOME nevertheless.
>>>>>> One think to watch: Reference Handler thread is started in the
>>>>>> j.l.r.Reference static initializer, so the Reference class must be
>>>>>> initialized. I don't know if there is any guarantee that this is done
>>>>>> before entering main(). So there should be something explicit in
>>>>>> main()
>>>>>> method that ensures it.
>>>>>> Also, throwing test-fail exception should be done after releasing the
>>>>>> heap or we'll just trigger another OOME without any message to
>>>>>> describe
>>>>>> the situation.
>>>>>> Waiting in a loop for ReferenceHandler thread is not needed since the
>>>>>> test will normally succeed and so the whole loop will execute to the
>>>>>> end. Only when the test fails the loop will exit faster. In my
>>>>>> experience, the thread dies between 10-20ms after interrupting, so
>>>>>> waiting for about 500ms is enough I think. Also no System.gc() and
>>>>>> additional waiting is needed to report the outcome - just releasing
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> reference to 'waste' variable is enuugh in my experience to restore
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> heap into working condition.
>>>>>> Here's the updated test that does all that:
>>>>>> public class OOMEInReferenceHandler {
>>>>>> static Object[] fillHeap() {
>>>>>> Object[] first = null, last = null;
>>>>>> int size = 1 << 20;
>>>>>> while (size > 0) {
>>>>>> try {
>>>>>> Object[] array = new Object[size];
>>>>>> if (first == null) {
>>>>>> first = array;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> else {
>>>>>> last[0] = array;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> last = array;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
>>>>>> size = size >>> 1;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> return first;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>>>>> // ensure ReferenceHandler thread is started
>>>>>> new WeakReference<Object>(new Object());
>>>>>> ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
>>>>>> for (ThreadGroup tgn = tg;
>>>>>> tgn != null;
>>>>>> tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent());
>>>>>> Thread[] threads = new Thread[tg.activeCount()];
>>>>>> Thread referenceHandlerThread = null;
>>>>>> int n = tg.enumerate(threads);
>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
>>>>>> if("Reference Handler".equals(threads[i].getName())) {
>>>>>> referenceHandlerThread = threads[i];
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> if (referenceHandlerThread == null) {
>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find Reference
>>>>>> Handler thread.");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Object waste = fillHeap();
>>>>>> referenceHandlerThread.interrupt();
>>>>>> Thread.sleep(500L);
>>>>>> // release waste so we can allocate and throw normal
>>>>>> exceptions
>>>>>> waste = null;
>>>>>> // check that the handler is still alive
>>>>>> if (!referenceHandlerThread.isAlive()) {
>>>>>> throw new Exception("Reference Handler thread died.");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>>>>> Bugs.sun.com:
>>>>>>>> http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=7038914
>>>>>>>> JIRA:
>>>>>>>> https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-7038914
>>>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>>> JPRT, with the new reproducer passing
>>>>>>>> In need of reviewers and a sponsor for this patch; as mentioned
>>>>>>>> earlier
>>>>>>>> I will set Peter (plevart) as author for this patch, i.e. send a
>>>>>>>> patchset to the sponsor for this change with that author set.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Thomas
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