RFC 7038914: VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
Peter Levart
peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri May 10 20:22:48 UTC 2013
On 05/10/2013 10:08 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> On 05/10/2013 08:10 PM, Dean Long wrote:
>> If you really want to bullet-proof ReferenceHandler (and other system
>> threads) against OOME caused by native allocations,
>> then don't forget about monitor inflation if there is contention for
>> "lock" :-)
> Aren't monitors C++ objects? Are they allocated from java heap?
> Regards, Peter
Hi Dean,
Ah, I see you're suggesting that "native" allocations can also trigger
OOME in Java program. Is this true?
Regards, Peter
>> dl
>> On 5/10/2013 6:14 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> So it would appear that it is not in fact the "new" that causes the
>>> OOME but the classloading of InterruptedException ?
>>> I'm not sure I can quite get my head around this late on a Friday
>>> night :)
>>> David
>>> On 10/05/2013 9:21 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> On 05/10/2013 12:52 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>> While executing the above test with the patch to ReferenceHandler
>>>>> applied, I noticed a strange behaviour. I can reproduce this
>>>>> behaviour
>>>>> reliably on both JDK7 and JDK8. When the patch is applied as
>>>>> proposed:
>>>>> try {
>>>>> lock.wait();
>>>>> } catch (InterruptedException |
>>>>> OutOfMemoryError x) { }
>>>>> ... I still get the following output from the test (reliably,
>>>>> always):
>>>>> Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the
>>>>> UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "Reference Handler"
>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Reference Handler
>>>>> thread died.
>>>>> at
>>>>> OOMEInReferenceHandler.main(OOMEInReferenceHandler.java:80)
>>>>> But when i change the patch to the following:
>>>>> try {
>>>>> lock.wait();
>>>>> } catch (OutOfMemoryError |
>>>>> InterruptedException x) { }
>>>>> ...the test reliably and always passes.
>>>>> My explanation to his behaviour is that the order of exception
>>>>> handlers changes the order of class referencing. In the former
>>>>> variation (that still throws OOME) the following seems to be
>>>>> happening:
>>>>> wait() is interrupted and InterruptedException instance creation is
>>>>> attempted. Because this is the 1st reference to InterruptedException
>>>>> class in the lifetime of the JVM, loading of InterruptedException
>>>>> class is attempted which fails because of OOME. This OOME is
>>>>> caught by
>>>>> handler and ignored. But after handling of this OOME, another
>>>>> reference to InterruptedException class is attempted by exception
>>>>> handlers themselves (I don't know how exception handlers work
>>>>> exactly,
>>>>> but I have a feeling this is happening). Because InterruptedException
>>>>> class was not successfully loaded the 1st time tried, every reference
>>>>> to this class must throw NoClassDefFoundError, so this is attempted,
>>>>> but creation of NoClassDefFoundError fails because there's no heap
>>>>> space and another OOME is thrown - this time out of exception
>>>>> handling
>>>>> block, which is propagated and kills the thread.
>>>>> If the order of exception handlers is reversed, this second OOME is
>>>>> caught and ignored.
>>>> Hi,
>>>> This really seems to be happening (at least approximately, see below)
>>>> because if InterruptedException class is preloaded at start of
>>>> test, the
>>>> order of exception handling does not have any impact on test.
>>>> By disassembling the class-files of both variants, I found the only
>>>> difference is the order of OutOfMemoryError & InterruptedException
>>>> entries found in exception table:
>>>> catch (InterruptedException | OutOfMemoryError x) variant has:
>>>> public void run();
>>>> Code:
>>>> 0: invokestatic #2 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$100:()Ljava/lang/ref/Reference$Lock;
>>>> 3: dup
>>>> 4: astore_2
>>>> 5: monitorenter
>>>> 6: invokestatic #3 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$200:()Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;
>>>> 9: ifnull 33
>>>> 12: invokestatic #3 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$200:()Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;
>>>> 15: astore_1
>>>> 16: aload_1
>>>> 17: invokestatic #4 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$300:(Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;)Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;
>>>> 20: invokestatic #5 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$202:(Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;)Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;
>>>> 23: pop
>>>> 24: aload_1
>>>> 25: aconst_null
>>>> 26: invokestatic #6 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$302:(Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;)Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;
>>>> 29: pop
>>>> 30: goto 48
>>>> * 33: invokestatic #2 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.access$100:()Ljava/lang/ref/Reference$Lock;**
>>>> ** 36: invokevirtual #7 // Method
>>>> java/lang/Object.wait:()V**
>>>> ** 39: goto 43*
>>>> 42: astore_3
>>>> 43: aload_2
>>>> 44: monitorexit
>>>> 45: goto 0
>>>> 48: aload_2
>>>> 49: monitorexit
>>>> 50: goto 60
>>>> 53: astore 4
>>>> 55: aload_2
>>>> 56: monitorexit
>>>> 57: aload 4
>>>> 59: athrow
>>>> 60: aload_1
>>>> 61: instanceof #10 // class sun/misc/Cleaner
>>>> 64: ifeq 77
>>>> 67: aload_1
>>>> 68: checkcast #10 // class sun/misc/Cleaner
>>>> 71: invokevirtual #11 // Method
>>>> sun/misc/Cleaner.clean:()V
>>>> 74: goto 0
>>>> 77: aload_1
>>>> 78: getfield #12 // Field
>>>> java/lang/ref/Reference.queue:Ljava/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue;
>>>> 81: astore_2
>>>> 82: aload_2
>>>> 83: getstatic #13 // Field
>>>> java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.NULL:Ljava/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue;
>>>> 86: if_acmpeq 95
>>>> 89: aload_2
>>>> 90: aload_1
>>>> 91: invokevirtual #14 // Method
>>>> java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.enqueue:(Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;)Z
>>>> 94: pop
>>>> 95: goto 0
>>>> Exception table:
>>>> from to target type
>>>> * 33 39 42 Class java/lang/InterruptedException**
>>>> ** 33 39 42 Class java/lang/OutOfMemoryError*
>>>> 6 45 53 any
>>>> 48 50 53 any
>>>> 53 57 53 any
>>>> catch (OutOfMemoryError | InterruptedException x) variant has the
>>>> exactly same bytecodes but the following exception table:
>>>> Exception table:
>>>> from to target type
>>>> * 33 39 42 Class java/lang/OutOfMemoryError**
>>>> ** 33 39 42 Class java/lang/InterruptedException*
>>>> 6 45 53 any
>>>> 48 50 53 any
>>>> 53 57 53 any
>>>> ... so what seems to be happening is a little different but similar to
>>>> what I have explained. In the former variant (that still throws OOME),
>>>> the handler 1st checks for the type of thrown exception against
>>>> InterruptedException class, which fails and attempts to throw
>>>> NoClassDefFoundError which can't be allocated so another OOME is
>>>> thrown,
>>>> but in the later variant the 1st check is against OutOfMemoryError
>>>> class
>>>> which succeeds, so the empty handler is executed and no more checks
>>>> are
>>>> made (no 2nd reference to InterruptedException class).
>>>> The fix I proposed in previous mail works (OOME is thrown twice and
>>>> 2nd
>>>> OOME is handled), but also the following would work (if the order of
>>>> checks follows the source in every compiler):
>>>> try {
>>>> lock.wait();
>>>> } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) { }
>>>> catch (InterruptedException x) { }
>>>> ...the benefit of this is that OOME is never thrown two times.
>>>> Regards, Peter
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