RFR : 8004015 : (S) Additional Functional Interface instance and static methods

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Fri May 17 17:41:15 UTC 2013

Thank you for the review David.

Some of your suggestions had already been applied in the lambda repo but I've applied the rest and some additional cases (Predicate) that were similar.




On May 16 2013, at 21:36 , David Holmes wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> A general comment regarding exceptional behaviour. There are a lot of operations that involve composite operations (compose, andThen, or, and, xor etc) and if the first operation throws an exception the second never gets evaluated. Does this need to be spelled out somewhere or is this obviously the only way it would work ?
> ---
> BiConsumer.java
> 54      * Returns a BiConsumer which performs in sequence the {@code accept}
>  55      * methods of multiple BiConsumers.
> It doesn't perform for multiple BiConsumers but only the one specified. That may be chained to another and so forth but each chain operation only relates to a single BiConsumer. You might then simply describe this method as:
> "Returns a BiConsumer which chains this BiConsumer with another BiConsumer. The returned BiConsumer's accept method invokes this BiConsumer's accept method followed by the accept method of the specified BiConsumer."
> ---
> BiFunction.java
> Why is the documentation style for BiFunction.andThen so different to BiConsumer.chain when they effectively do the same thing? Shouldn't andThen be described as:
> "Returns a BiFunction that composes this BiFunction with another BiFunction ..."
> +      * @param after An additional function
> "additional" is superfluous - additional to what?
> ---
> Consumer.java
> Same basic comments as for BiConsumer.
> ---
> Function.java
> Same basic comments as BiFunction.
> ---
> Thanks,
> David
> On 15/05/2013 2:22 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> Hello all;
>> This a fairly small set of additional methods for the existing Java 8 functional interfaces. These methods have been held back until now awaiting support for static interface methods.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mduigou/JDK-8004015/0/webrev/
>> Mike

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