Please Review java.time static interface methods move to supporting class

roger riggs roger.riggs at
Wed Oct 2 21:16:52 UTC 2013

Hi Sherman,

Most of the new static factories in util and streams are methods.
For example, that return interfaces (like Comparable).

I think they are more clearly factories when defined as methods, even if 
they return a constant value.
For consistency, I would retain them as methods and to allow future 
to have parameters even though the current set does not have any with 

I would retain "Temporal" on all the interfaces and consider dropping
Temporal from the TemporalAdjusters and TemporalQueries classes.


On 10/2/2013 2:43 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Hi,
> While it might make sense to have method to return the adjuster for
> TemporalAdjusters, is there any real benefit to have those parentheses
> for TemporalQueries? Maybe it can just be an enum? Or we are considering
> adding more parametrized adjusters in the future? Aren't we?
> Now all interfaces and their corresponding utilities are TemporalXYZ,
> maybe it is worth considering just to drop the "Temporal"? I know
> I may ask too much:-)
> The rest looks fine.
> -Sherman
> On 10/02/2013 09:01 AM, roger riggs wrote:
>> As noted in the issue[1], the static methods in the TemporalAdjuster 
>> and TemporalQuery
>> interfaces that provide implementations of Adjusters and Queries seem 
>> out of
>> place and are better located in a related supporting class so the 
>> purpose and
>> function of the interfaces are not diluted.  Adding more methods in 
>> the future
>> will be a better fit in the class.
>> The static methods of TemporalAdjuster are moved to TemporalAdjusters
>> and the static method of TemporalQuery are moved to TemporalQueries.
>> Those classes were previously package private and are now public.
>> Please review and comment:
>> javadoc:
>> webrev:
>> Thanks, Roger
>> [1]

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