Please Review javadoc fixes 8026982 (updated)

roger riggs roger.riggs at
Tue Oct 22 21:06:40 UTC 2013

Hi Mandy,

On 10/22/2013 5:01 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> The <p><pre><code>.....</code></pre><p>
> is updated to <pre>{@code ...}</pre> that should simply be:
>     {@code ...}

the {@code ...} does not imply preformatted.  So for a multi-line or 
separate line example the <pre> is still needed.
> I notice that there are few ending <p> not removed in this
> updated patch. One example:
> -     * <p><pre><code>
> -     * (byte)(0xff & (v >> 8))
> -     * (byte)(0xff & v)
> -     * </code></pre><p>
> +     * <pre>{@code
> +     * (byte)(0xff & (v >> 8))
> +     * (byte)(0xff & v)
> +     * }</pre><p>
This <p> is the start of the next paragraph; perhaps it should be on a 
new line;
(javadoc -Xlint did not complain about it).

Thanks, Roger

> Mandy
>> On 10/22/2013 04:31 PM, roger riggs wrote:
>>> Thanks for the comments, updated with Webrev with the suggestions.
>>> Roger
>>> On 10/22/2013 2:53 PM, roger riggs wrote:
>>>> Please review more javadoc cleanup to satisfy javadoc -Xlint.
>>>> The changes remove <p> markup where it is invalid or unnecessary
>>>> in packages java. io, lang, net, nio, rmi, security, text, and util.
>>>> (this is a relatively low priority cleanup).
>>>> Webrev:
>>>> Thanks, Roger

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