RFR: 8017195 : Introduce option to setKeepAlive parameter on CORBA sockets

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Tue Sep 3 12:04:01 UTC 2013

Sockets created by the 
com.sun.corba.se.impl.transport.DefaultSocketFactoryImpl factory can be 
affected by firewalls if that connection is left idle for long periods 
of time. (closed out). A workaround for such an issue could be to have a 
simple corba thread send some simple ping traffic on the socket at 
scheduled intervals. That may not be possible for legacy applications.

Proposed solution is to add an implementation specific system property 
flag which would have the keepAlive feature turned on for sockets 
returned by the CORBA DefaultSocketFactoryImpl class. The application is 
then in a better position to manage the keepAlive settings via the OS. 
This had been fixed in Java SE 6 and I'm looking to port the new 
property to jdk7u & jdk8.



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