RFR: 8024826: (s) : Remove alt-rt.jar, used by +AggressiveOps"
Mike Duigou
mike.duigou at oracle.com
Tue Sep 17 03:24:03 UTC 2013
On Sep 16 2013, at 19:37 , David Holmes wrote:
> Reviewed both hotspot and jdk changes.
> Thumbs up and good riddance! :)
> How do you propose to handle the coordination of the push?
The hotspot and jdk changes can go in any order. I plan to push them sequential after cross platform test build along with the closed source portion. The closed portion has to happen after the open jdk repo makefile changes.
> Thanks,
> David
> On 17/09/2013 10:16 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> Hello all;
>> This is a cross-repo patch which disables building and enabling of the alt-rt.jar file. The alt-rt.jar file has been used with the -XX:+AggressiveOpts option (which will be remaining for other optimizations). This jar file formerly contained (closed-source) versions of several JDK classes which were optimized for very specific workloads. The implementations weren't generally applicable and in many cases induced performance drops. In particular since we will not be providing optimized implementations of the Java 8 streams API for the alternate versions of these classes the performance relative to the standard implementations would be poor.
>> Over time we've (largely Alan Bateman) been trying to eliminate this difficult to support feature. With this changeset the alt-rt.jar feature is retired.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mduigou/JDK-8024826/0/webrev/
>> Ideally I would like a reviewer for both the HotSpot and JDK repos (could be the same person).
>> Mike
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