[PATCH] 4851444: Exposing sun.reflect.Reflection#getCallerClass as a public API in Java 8
Jochen Theodorou
blackdrag at gmx.org
Fri Sep 20 11:19:58 UTC 2013
Am 20.09.2013 12:05, schrieb Peter Levart:
> The use-cases described used getCallerClass(int depth) repeatedly to
> find a caller by iterating over a range of depths and calling
> getCallerClass(depth). You can use either Thread.walkStack or
> Thread.firstCaller for implementing those use-cases.
first Caller is only going back one, or not? Not useful for us in the
cases we need this. I wouldn't say the API through getCallerClass(int)
was optimal for us, I think the new one can be better... I only miss (or
didn't get how) the ability not to have to walk the entire stack,
without knowing before how deep I have to go
> Maybe the following method would be handy to optimize search when we
> know that we want to skip 1st N frames before starting testing with
> predicate:
> public static <T> T firstCaller(int startDepth,
> Predicate<StackFrameInfo> predicate,
> Function<StackFrameInfo,T> function) {
> Reflection.getCallerClass(depth)
> then becomes:
> Thread.firstCaller(depth, f -> true, StackFrameInfo::getDeclaringClass);
> Hm...
that is I think a usecase for some... as I said, getCallerClass(int) is
not really ideal for us either. More ideal in this style would be for us
> public static <T> T findCaller(Predicate<StackFrameInfo> predicate,
> Function<StackFrameInfo,T> function)
with the predicate indicating when to stop.. though the usage of this is
not that nice:
> Class getCallerClass(final int nonSkippedFramesDepth) {
> return findCaller(new Predicate<StackFrameInfo>() {
> int depth = 0;
> boolean test(StackFrameInfo info) {
> if (haveToSkip(info.getDeclaringClass())) return false;
> depth++;
> if (depth>=nonSkippedFramesDepth) return info.getDeclaringClass();
> }
> }, StackFrameInfo::getDeclaringClass());
> }
Have you guys though about exposing the StackStream instead? Then you
could use all the existing JDK method for streams on that, which gives
you a much more flexible API. I could then for example change the Stream
of StackFrameInfo into one of Class.
bye Jochen
Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
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