Implicit 'this' return for void methods
Peter Levart
peter.levart at
Thu Apr 3 10:45:09 UTC 2014
On 04/03/2014 09:54 AM, Bruce Chapman wrote:
> On 3/04/2014 6:01 p.m., Peter Levart wrote:
>> On 04/01/2014 11:28 AM, Bruce Chapman wrote:
>>> Slightly preceding Ulf's coin proposal by a few hours was
>>> Where I suggested the "naked dot" notation (coined in
>>> has better value as ".. a
>>> syntax for referring to the receiver of a method inside arguments to
>>> the
>>> method."
>>> More formally, the naked dot (at the start of an expression, not
>>> following an invocation to a void method) would refer to the
>>> receiver of the innermost surrounding invocation expression.
>> A: What is the receiver of the invocation of a static method?
>> B: What is the receiver of the invocation of a constructor?
> Peter,
> I haven't checked the JLS formal terminology but in both cases it is
> the class's static context, such that a naked dot could only precede
> static methods and fields.
> Bruce
I'm asking about the meaning of the following (not very optimal) example:
.indexOf("B")), Math.max(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")));
You're suggesting that invocations of static methods don't count towards
the innermost invocation, since they don't have a "receiver" therefore
the search for innermost receiver skips them?
If so, then the following code:
myVeryLongNamedString.substring(min(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")),
max(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")));
could have two different meanings depending on whether unqualified min()
and max() are invocation of static vs. instance methods. That's very
hard to read then.
Regards, Peter
>> Regards, Peter
>>> and so to answer Guy's question below in terms of my original
>>> intention rather than Ulf's proposal, .indexof("Q") would use
>>> myVeryLongNamedString as its receiver.
>>> I see particular value for these naked dot expressions in creating
>>> fluent APIs such as builder patterns. As suggested in my coin post,
>>> there is also value for passing enums or named constants to methods
>>> when (as is often the case) these named constants are defined in the
>>> same class as the method being invoked. In a highly informal sense,
>>> the naked dot enables on demand changing of the scope to be that of
>>> the invocation expression's receiver,
>>> I think with this interpretation of the meaning of naked or leading
>>> dot, Guy's compromise restriction below is not required.
>>> Bruce
>>> On 27/03/2014 4:51 a.m., Guy Steele wrote:
>>>> I am a bit more skeptical about expressions that begin with a dot
>>>> because of potential
>>>> confusion about which expression is referred to:
>>>> myVeryLongNamedString.subString(.indexOf("C”), .indexOf("Q”))
>>>> seems clear enough, but what about:
>>>> myVeryLongNamedString.subString(.indexOf("C”) +
>>>> otherString.length(), .indexOf("Q”))
>>>> Does the second occurrence of .indexOf use myVeryLongNamedString or
>>>> otherString?
>>>> A compromise would be to allow leading-dot expressions to occur
>>>> only within the arguments
>>>> of the method call whose target is the object which the leading-dot
>>>> expressions are expected
>>>> to use as their target, and if there are such leading-dot
>>>> expressions within the arguments
>>>> then the arguments must not contain any non-leading-dot field
>>>> references or method calls.
>>>> Just a thought for discussion. This would be considered a separate
>>>> mechanism from the
>>>> chaining-of-void-methods mechanism (it was a very clever idea to
>>>> try to unify them in Ulf's
>>>> original proposal, though).
>>>> —Guy
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