RFR: 8029073: (corba) New connection reclaimed when number of connection is greater than highwatermark

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Thu Apr 3 13:57:24 UTC 2014

Looks good to me Aleksej.


On 03/04/2014 13:13, Aleksej Efimov wrote:
> Hello,
> Can I have a review [1] for a problem [2] in CORBA connections pool 
> implementation: There is a reclamation possibility of newly created 
> connections. The root cause of such behavior is that newly created 
> connections are not timestamped (timestamp = 0) before addition to 
> connection cache. When the reclamation is in process it searches for 
> connection with lowest timestamp value and as a result the new 
> connection will be reclaimed if there was no read/write activity.
> The proposed fix simply timestamps the connection before adding it to 
> the cache, similar to the CorbaClientRequestDispatcherImpl.
> Thank you,
> Aleksej
> [1] webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/8029073/webrev.00
> [2] bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8029073

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