RFR 8042003: java/lang/Math tests have external dependency on sun.misc.DoubleConsts and sun.misc.FloatConsts

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Mon Aug 18 17:35:49 UTC 2014

Hi Amy,

A few comments here.

This change basically adds a dependency from each of the test files to 
both DoubleUtils and FloatUtils test libraries.

This is generally unnecessary. If the use of constants in a test is 
fully satisfied by java.lang.{Float, Double}, the test should not depend 
on the new test library at all. Likewise, if a test only uses 
Double-related constants, it should not reference the Float constants 
class, and vice versa.

Please update your patch accordingly.



On 08/18/2014 12:49 AM, Amy Lu wrote:
> There are jdk tests that have dependency on sun.misc.DoubleConsts and 
> sun.misc.FloatConsts.
> This fix is to remove above internal API dependency from the tests.
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8042003
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ewang/amylu/JDK-8042003/webrev.00/
> The fix:
> 1. Updated test withconstants that defined in java.lang.Double/Float 
> if the definition exist
> 2. Introduced jdk.testlibrary.DoubleUtils/FloatUtils to contain 
> additional constants
> Thanks,
> Amy

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