8055393: Some tests added to the TEST.group to exclude execution on inappropriate compact profiles
Evgeniya Stepanova
evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com
Thu Aug 21 10:35:45 UTC 2014
Hi David!
sun/misc/URLClassPath/ClassnameCharTest.java was in both needs_compact2
and needs_jre testgroups. I just removed it from needs_compact2
testgroup because I've noticed that for the cleanup reason.
As for tests dependencies, it were described in the very first message
(please see below). I'll be very grateful if you review them for checking.
On 21.08.2014 14:22, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Jane,
> On 20/08/2014 7:03 PM, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>> Update review request with links:
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8055393
>> webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/eistepan/8055393/webrev.00/
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eavstepan/eistepan/8055393/webrev.00/>
> To be able to evaluate this it would be useful to know what the
> dependencies are that force these tests into specific groups.
> I don't see why you have removed
> sun/misc/URLClassPath/ClassnameCharTest.java from needs_compact2 - but
> as far as I can see it should be in needs_jre because it accesses
> sun.applet.AppletClassLoader!
> Thanks,
> David
>> Thanks,
>> Jane
>> On 19.08.2014 17:03, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>> Re-added lost diff
>>> On 19.08.2014 16:58, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Could you please review fix for 8055393
>>>> Problem:Some tests are being executed and fail under profiles
>>>> Solution:
>>>> -test java/lang/ProcessBuilder/InheritIO/InheritIO.sh changed to use
>>>> COMPILEJAVA (set by jtreg harness) javac instead of TESTJAVA (which
>>>> is absent in profiles)
>>>> -java/lang/annotation/AnnotationType/AnnotationTypeDeadlockTest.java
>>>> and some of the java/util/logging/ tests use
>>>> java.lang.management.ManagementFactory class to get deadlocked
>>>> threads. Such tests are added to the needs_compact3 testgroup
>>>> -test java/lang/invoke/lambda/LambdaAsm.java check bytecode
>>>> generation and use javac classes. Added to needs_jdk testgroup
>>>> -test java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java uses
>>>> com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpHandler class as base class for all
>>>> testcases. Added to the needs_compact2 testgroup
>>>> -Some of the javax/management/mxbean tests uses
>>>> java.beans.ConstructorProperties annotation. Such tests are added to
>>>> the needs_jre test group
>>>> -test sun/misc/URLClassPath/ClassnameCharTest.java included in both
>>>> needs_compact2 and needs_jre testgroups. Removed from needs_compact2
>>>> testgroup since it fails on compacts2-3
>>>> Testing: locally. Tests excluded as expected
>>>> In attachement diff against jdk8u-dev repo
/Evgeniya Stepanova/
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