Analysis on JDK-8022321 java/lang/ref/ fails intermittently

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Wed Jan 8 12:34:47 UTC 2014

On 01/08/2014 07:30 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 8/01/2014 4:19 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 8/01/2014 7:33 AM, srikalyan chandrashekar wrote:
>>> Hi David, TraceExceptions with fastdebug build produced some nice trace
>>> <> . The
>>> native method wait(long) is where the OOME if being thrown, the deepest
>>> call is in
>>> src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.inline.hpp, line 157
>> Yes but it is the caller that is of interest:
>> Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
>> thrown
>> [/HUDSON/workspace/8-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk8/1317/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp, 
>> line 1649]
>> for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
>> Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
>>   thrown in interpreter method <{method} {0x00007f78b4800ae0} 'wait'
>> '(J)V' in 'java/lang/Object'>
>>   at bci 0 for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
>> The ReferenceHandler thread gets the OOME trying to allocate the
>> InterruptedException.
> However we already have a catch block around the wait() so how is this 
> OOME getting through? A bug in exception handling in the interpreter ??

Might be. And it may have something to do with the fact that the method is the 1st call frame on the thread's stack (seems 
like corner case). The last few meaningful TraceExceptions records are:

Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
line 157]
for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
line 1649]
for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
  thrown in interpreter method <{method} {0x00007f78b4800ae0} 'wait' 
'(J)V' in 'java/lang/Object'>
  at bci 0 for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
  thrown in interpreter method <{method} {0x00007f78b4800ca8} 'wait' 
'()V' in 'java/lang/Object'>
  at *bci 2* for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800
Exception <a 'java/lang/OutOfMemoryError'> (0x00000000d6a01840)
  thrown in interpreter method <{method} {0x00007f78b48d2250} 'run' 
'()V' in 'java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler'>
  at *bci 36* for thread 0x00007f78c40d2800

Here's the relevant bytecodes:

public class java.lang.Object

   public final void wait() throws java.lang.InterruptedException;
     descriptor: ()V
       stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
          0: aload_0
          1: lconst_0
*         2: invokevirtual #73                 // Method wait:(J)V*
          5: return
         line 502: 0
         line 503: 5
       throws java.lang.InterruptedException

class java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler extends java.lang.Thread

   public void run();
     descriptor: ()V
     flags: ACC_PUBLIC
       stack=2, locals=5, args_size=1
          0: invokestatic  #62                 // Method 
          3: dup
          4: astore_2
          5: monitorenter
          6: invokestatic  #61                 // Method 
          9: ifnull        33
         12: invokestatic  #61                 // Method 
         15: astore_1
         16: aload_1
         17: invokestatic  #64                 // Method 
         20: invokestatic  #63                 // Method 
         23: pop
         24: aload_1
         25: aconst_null
         26: invokestatic  #65                 // Method 
         29: pop
         30: goto          52
         33: invokestatic  #62                 // Method 
*        36: invokevirtual #59                 // Method 
         39: goto          43
         42: astore_3
         43: goto          47
         46: astore_3
         47: aload_2
         48: monitorexit
         49: goto          0
         52: aload_2
         53: monitorexit
         54: goto          64
         57: astore        4
         59: aload_2
         60: monitorexit
         61: aload         4
         63: athrow
         64: aload_1
         65: instanceof    #38                 // class sun/misc/Cleaner
         68: ifeq          81
         71: aload_1
         72: checkcast     #38                 // class sun/misc/Cleaner
         75: invokevirtual #67                 // Method 
         78: goto          0
         81: aload_1
         82: getfield      #57                 // Field 
         85: astore_2
         86: aload_2
         87: getstatic     #58                 // Field 
         90: if_acmpeq     99
         93: aload_2
         94: aload_1
         95: invokevirtual #66                 // Method 
         98: pop
         99: goto          0
       Exception table:
          from    to  target type
*            33    39    42   Class java/lang/OutOfMemoryError*
             33    43    46   Class java/lang/InterruptedException
              6    49    57   any
             52    54    57   any
             57    61    57   any
       StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 11
            frame_type = 0 /* same */
            frame_type = 253 /* append */
           offset_delta = 32
           locals = [ top, class java/lang/Object ]
              frame_type = 72 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
             stack = [ class java/lang/OutOfMemoryError ]
              frame_type = 0 /* same */
              frame_type = 66 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
             stack = [ class java/lang/InterruptedException ]
              frame_type = 0 /* same */
              frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
             offset_delta = 4
             locals = [ class java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler, 
class java/lang/ref/Reference, class java/lang/Object ]
             stack = []
              frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
             offset_delta = 4
             locals = [ class java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler, 
top, class java/lang/Object ]
             stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
              frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
             offset_delta = 6
             locals = [ class java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler, 
class java/lang/ref/Reference ]
             stack = []
              frame_type = 16 /* same */
              frame_type = 250 /* chop */
             offset_delta = 17

           line 136: 0
           line 137: 6
           line 138: 12
           line 139: 16
           line 140: 24
           line 157: 33
           line 158: 39
           line 159: 43
           line 160: 47
           line 162: 52
           line 165: 64
           line 166: 71
           line 167: 78
           line 170: 81
           line 171: 86
           line 172: 99

... if I understand correctly the TraceExceptions' output, one record is 
printed for each abruptly completed method. The last record printed 
shows that Object.wait() method completed abruptly by throwing OOME. 
Even if the OOME was caught and ignored, we would still get this 
TraceExceptions record. Am I right? There's no record of abruptly 
terminated method in the output. This might be 
because there's no method "calling" the method, 
since it is the 1st method on the call-stack. Are you sure the output is 
from a failed test?

Can we make the following adjustment to the ReferenceHandler and see 
what gets printed and/or whether we still get uncaught OOME:

     private static class ReferenceHandler extends Thread {
         public void run() {

         private void runImpl() {
             // ... the content of the original run() method

Regards, Peter

> David
>> David
>> -----
>>> ------------------- Excerpt Begins ---------------------
>>> 147  if (!gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
>>> 148    // -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError
>>> support
>>> 149    report_java_out_of_memory("Java heap space");
>>> 150
>>> 151    if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) {
>>> 152      JvmtiExport::post_resource_exhausted(
>>> 154        "Java heap space");
>>> 155    }
>>> 156
>>> 157    THROW_OOP_0(Universe::out_of_memory_error_java_heap());
>>> 158  } else {
>>> ------------------- Excerpt Ends ---------------------
>>> Would be helpful if David/some one else in the team could explain the
>>> latent aspects/probable cause.
>>> ---
>>> Thanks
>>> kalyan
>>> On 01/06/2014 04:40 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Back from vacation ...
>>>> On 20/12/2013 4:49 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> On 20/12/2013 12:57 PM, srikalyan chandrashekar wrote:
>>>>>> Hi David Thanks for your comments, the unguarded part(clean and
>>>>>> enqueue)
>>>>>> in the Reference Handler thread does not seem to create any new
>>>>>> objects,
>>>>>> so it is the application(the test in this case) which is adding
>>>>>> objects
>>>>>> to heap and causing the Reference Handler to die with OOME.
>>>>> The ReferenceHandler thread can only get OOME if it allocates 
>>>>> (directly
>>>>> or indirectly) - so there has to be something in the unguarded part
>>>>> that
>>>>> causes this. Again it may be an implicit action in the VM - 
>>>>> similar to
>>>>> the class load issue for InterruptedException.
>>>> Run a debug VM with -XX:+TraceExceptions to see where the OOME is
>>>> triggered.
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>> David
>>>>> I am still
>>>>>> unsure about the side effects of the code change and agree with your
>>>>>> thoughts(on memory exhaustion test's reliability).
>>>>>> PS: hotspot dev alias removed from CC.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> kalyan
>>>>>> On 12/19/13 5:08 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Kalyan,
>>>>>>> This is not a hotspot issue so I'm moving this to core-libs, please
>>>>>>> drop hotspot from any replies.
>>>>>>> On 20/12/2013 6:26 AM, srikalyan wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,  I have been working on the bug JDK-8022321
>>>>>>>> <> , this is a
>>>>>>>> sporadic
>>>>>>>> failure and the webrev is available here
>>>>>>> I'm really not sure what to make of this. We have a test that
>>>>>>> triggers
>>>>>>> an out-of-memory condition but the OOME can actually turn up in the
>>>>>>> ReferenceHandler thread causing it to terminate and the test to 
>>>>>>> fail.
>>>>>>> We previously accounted for the non-obvious occurrences of OOME
>>>>>>> due to
>>>>>>> the Object.wait and the possible need to load the
>>>>>>> InterruptedException
>>>>>>> class - but still the OOME can appear where we don't want it. So
>>>>>>> finally you have just placed the whole for(;;) loop in a
>>>>>>> try/catch(OOME) that ignores the OOME. I'm certain that makes the
>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>> happy, but I'm not sure it is really what we want for the
>>>>>>> ReferenceHandler thread. If the OOME occurs while cleaning, or
>>>>>>> enqueuing then we will fail to clean and/or enqueue but there
>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> no indication that has occurred and I think that is a bigger 
>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>> than this test failing.
>>>>>>> There may be no way to make this test 100% reliable. In fact I'd
>>>>>>> suggest that no memory exhaustion test can be 100% reliable.
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> **"Root Cause:Still not known"*
>>>>>>>> 2 places where there is a possibility for OOME
>>>>>>>> 1) Cleaner.clean()
>>>>>>>> 2) ReferenceQueue.enqueue()
>>>>>>>> 1)  The cleanup code in turn has 2 places where there is potential
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> throwing OOME,
>>>>>>>>      a) thunk Thread which is run from clean() method. This
>>>>>>>> Runnable is
>>>>>>>> passed to Cleaner and appears in the following classes
>>>>>>>>          java/nio/
>>>>>>>>          sun/misc/
>>>>>>>>          sun/nio/fs/
>>>>>>>>          sun/nio/ch/
>>>>>>>>          sun/misc/Cleaner/
>>>>>>>> However none of the above overridden implementations ever 
>>>>>>>> create an
>>>>>>>> object in the clean() code.
>>>>>>>>      b) new PrivilegedAction created in try catch Exception 
>>>>>>>> block of
>>>>>>>> clean() method but for this object to be created and to be held
>>>>>>>> responsible for OOME an Exception(other than OOME) has to be 
>>>>>>>> thrown.
>>>>>>>> 2) No new heap objects are created in the enqueue method nor
>>>>>>>> anywhere in
>>>>>>>> the deep call stack (VM.addFinalRefCount() etc) so this cannot 
>>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>>> potential cause.
>>>>>>>> *Experimental change to* :
>>>>>>>> - Put one more guard (try catch with OOME block) in the Reference
>>>>>>>> Handler Thread which may give the Reference Handler a chance to
>>>>>>>> cleanup.
>>>>>>>> This is fixing the test failure (several 1000 runs with 0 
>>>>>>>> failures)
>>>>>>>> - Without the above change the test fails atleast 3-5 times for
>>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>>> 1000 run.
>>>>>>>> *PS*: The code change is to a very critical part of JDK and i am
>>>>>>>> fully
>>>>>>>> not aware of the consequences of the change, hence seeking expert
>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>> here. Appreciate your time and inputs towards this.

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