Request for approval for bug #8031488

Iaroslav Savytskyi iaroslav.savytskyi at
Fri Jan 10 15:08:33 UTC 2014

Hi, Alan,

You are absolutely right. Unfortunately the things a little bit more complicated. The reason why I’m fixing this now is, that some time ago I fix this synchronization issue (synchronized setter without synchronized getter). After that I got this bug. We had internal discussions if I can leave my changes and the short answer is “no” :| Because it’s JAXB API and I can’t change signatures within the same version. So I have to revert my changes and leave it as it was before. We will fix this in the next MR for JAXB API.


On 10 Jan 2014, at 15:52, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:

> On 10/01/2014 14:26, Iaroslav Savytskyi wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to request for approval for this fix. This is simple revert of the changes which caused the issue. I’ve returned back synchronization and removed volatile. So now serialVersionUID is the same as before.
>> Bug:
>> Webrev:
> If these are changed to use synchronization then maybe you want to change getLinkedException too.
> In any case, isn't the right thing to just add the serialVersionUID? That is, I assume the issue that the missing serialVersionUID meant the default SUID changed when you changed a field modifier.
> -Alan.

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