(7u backport) RFR: 7199674 - (props) user.home property does not return an accessible location in sandboxed environment [macosx]

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Wed Jan 22 22:45:07 UTC 2014

(forgot to include macosx-port-dev at openjdk.java.net)


I would like to backport this fix from 8 to 7u.


The source code changes apply cleanly to 7u from the 8 changeset, 
however the makefile changes needed to be tweaked. 
makefiles/CompileNativeLibraries.gmk did not exist in 7, so equivalent 
changes are made in make/java/java/Makefile instead.

Since it's not a direct port of the 8 changes, my understanding is that 
the 7-specific changes should be reviewed.

7u40 webrev is here:

Again, the only difference from the 8 fix is in make/java/java/Makefile.

For reference:

* JDK 8 changeset:

* JDK 8 review thread:


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