RFR: [6904367]: (coll) IdentityHashMap is resized before exceeding the expected maximum size
Patrick Wright
pdoubleya at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 12:12:07 UTC 2014
been watching this fascinating discussion - seeing Jeff's benchmark today,
was wondering if there isn't already at least one benchmark written with
JMH? Wouldn't it make sense to make that part of the submission, as a
standard practice in refactoring like this?
On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:24 AM, Jeff Hain <jeffhain at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> >Can you post the benchmark source?
> Before the source, here are the time ranges runs were stabilizing in
> for lucky executions (using 1.7 for compiler compliance level, and
> win7 / core i7) :
> | original | peter7 | peter7 | peter8 | peter8 |
> | | | no loop | | no loop |
> ---------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
> jdk7u51 | 0.56-59s | 0.66-68s | 0.62-64s | 0.60-63s | 0.70-74s |
> jdk8u20 | 0.54-58s | 0.64-66s | 0.58-60s | 0.58-61s | 0.73-76s |
> jdk9 | 0.59-61s | 0.65-67s | 0.73-75s | 0.60-63s | 0.76-78s |
> => The no-loop version seems only better for jdk <= 8 and your webrev 07,
> and for webrev 08, it seems actually (much) worse whatever the jdk.
> => jdk 8 looks faster than 7, but for some reason also faster than 9.
> public class IdentityHashMapPerf {
> private static final int MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS = 1*1000;
> private static final int MAX_NBR_OF_CALLS = 100*1000*1000;
> private static final int NBR_OF_RUNS = 10;
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> System.out.println(IdentityHashMapPerf.class.getSimpleName()+"...");
> for (int k=0;k<NBR_OF_RUNS;k++) {
> // Quick run for code discovery for k = 0.
> final int maxNbrOfCalls = (k == 0) ? MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS
> bench_put(new IdentityHashMap<Integer, Integer>(),
> maxNbrOfCalls);
> //bench_put(new IdentityHashMapPeter7<Integer, Integer>(),
> maxNbrOfCalls);
> //bench_put(new IdentityHashMapPeter7NoLoop<Integer,
> Integer>(), maxNbrOfCalls);
> //bench_put(new IdentityHashMapPeter8<Integer, Integer>(),
> maxNbrOfCalls);
> //bench_put(new IdentityHashMapPeter8NoLoop<Integer,
> Integer>(), maxNbrOfCalls);
> }
> System.out.println("..."+IdentityHashMapPerf.class.getSimpleName());
> }
> private static void bench_put(Map<Integer, Integer> map, int
> maxNbrOfCalls) {
> for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
> final Integer[] keys = newKeys(MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS);
> final int nbrOfClearAndPuts =
> long a = System.nanoTime();
> {
> for (int cap=0;cap<nbrOfClearAndPuts;cap++) {
> map.clear();
> for (int i=0;i<MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS;i++) {
> final Integer kv = keys[i];
> map.put(kv, kv);
> }
> if (map.size() != MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS) {
> throw new AssertionError("anti optim");
> }
> }
> }
> long b = System.nanoTime();
> System.out.println(nbrOfClearAndPuts+" * "+MAX_NBR_OF_MAPPINGS
> +" "+map.getClass().getSimpleName()+".put(,) took
> "+((b-a)/1e9)+" s");
> }
> }
> private static Integer[] newKeys(int size) {
> final Integer[] keys = new Integer[size];
> for (int i=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
> keys[i] = i;
> }
> return keys;
> }
> }
> -Jeff
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