Process trees and termination

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Thu Jun 26 08:55:09 UTC 2014

On 06/26/2014 12:05 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 06/25/2014 04:52 PM, roger riggs wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The next step for JEP 102, Process API Updates is to provide an API to
>> enumerate the hierarchy of processes and to be able to terminate a
>> process tree.
>> This draft javadoc <http://bussund0416/%7Erriggs/pdoc/>update [1] 
>> includes:
>>   - ProcessHandle class to provide handles to processes, their children,
>>      parent, process id and liveness
>>   - Process extends ProcessHandle and inherits the new behaviors
>>   - Method destroyProcessTree() terminates a process tree
>> Additional functions related to termination and information about 
>> processes
>> will be added in a later update.
>> Comments appreciated, Roger
> I still have a not-great feeling about the lack of atomicity inherent 
> in these operations.  At least when you're dealing with direct child 
> processes (on UNIX-likes), there is some measure of control, in that a 
> process is zombified until reaped by wait() and friends.
> Also I have a much higher level of concern about destroyProcessTree(), 
> which I don't think has any place in this API.  Control of any process 
> belongs solely with their parent (or PID 1), in my opinion.
> Those concerns aside, what about making the allChildren() and 
> allProcesses() methods lazy in some way?
Hi Roger, David,

- Will there be a guarantee that ProcessHandle objects returned from 
factory methods: |current()| 
and |allProcesses()| 
representing those processes that were started by ProcessBuilder API are 
actually the same Process objects that were returned from the 
ProcessBuilder API? The Process object can be viewed as a proxy of an OS 
process so as long as we have a reference to it, we can obtain it's exit 
status even though it has already been waited for (reaped) and we can 
reliably terminate it, because Process object is tracking the state of 
OS process and only forwards the termination request if it knows the OS 
process is still alive or zombified and so minimizes the probability to 
kill wrong process that just reused the same pid.

The following expression: ProcessHandle.current().children() would 
therefore return just canonicalized Process objects (unless some native 
code embedded in the JVM process started sub-processes too).

If returning canonicalized Process objects from factory methods is not 
desirable (some part of the program could mess with Input/Output streams 
of Process-es it did not have access to before), then perhaps 
ProcessHandle representing a process created by ProcessBuilder API would 
just have an internal private reference to the Process object to which 
it would forward method invocations...

- There is an inconsistency in the javadoc for 

public abstractProcessHandle  <>  destroyForcibly()

Kills the process. The process represented by this |ProcessHandle| 
object is forcibly terminated. If the process is not alive no action is 

Note: The process may not terminate immediately. i.e. |isAlive()| may 
return true for a brief period after |destroyForcibly()| is called. This 
method may be chained to |waitFor()| if needed.

...the method has a co-variant return type and there's no waitFor() 
method on the ProcessHandle. Why not? If ProcessHandle is a (or 
delegates to) Process then it could use it's waitFor(), if it is just a 
"foreign" ProcessHandle it could be implemented as a poll-ing wait for 
the isAlive() to return false...

- Will there not be any destroyGracefully() method (which would be a 
no-op on platforms not supporting graceful termination)?

- Depending on the OS facilities used to obtain process information 
(/proc/<pid> ?) there might be some other attributes already available. 
The name of a process would be nice to have.

Regards, Peter

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