RFR [8014066] Mistake in documentation of ArrayList#removeRange

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Mar 14 12:20:56 UTC 2014

On 14/03/2014 10:14 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
> On 14.03.2014 16:02, David Holmes wrote:
>> Ivan,
>> On 14/03/2014 9:19 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>> Thanks Peter for the comments.
>>> On 14.03.2014 14:53, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> On 03/14/2014 08:05 AM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>>>> One thing I noticed is that some methods I mentioned above
>>>>> (List.subList(), Arrays.sort(), etc) throw IllegalArgumentException
>>>>> when fromIndex > toIndex, not IndexOutOfBoundException.
>>>>> Wouldn't it be more correct to adopt this into removeRange() too?
>>>> The question is, what exception should be thrown for removeRange(0,
>>>> -1) then... The order of checks matters and should be specified if two
>>>> kinds of exceptions are thrown...
>>> In my opinion, the order of the checks should match the order of the
>>> listed exceptions in the spec.
>> That's a nice proposal but unfortunately there has never been a rule
>> that you have to document exceptions in the order you expect them to
>> be checked; nor do you have to implement exception checks in the order
>> they are documented. So it is too late to try and enforce this now.
> Sigh.
> The order can still be stated explicitly in the doc, if it's decided to
> throw IllegalArgumentException.

Of course the order can be explicitly stated. My point was that you 
can't just look at existing spec and decide that defines the order of 


> And, of course, there's no such problem if IndexOutOfBoundException is
> the only exception thrown.
> Sincerely yours,
> Ivan
>> David
>> -----
>>> If the order is:
>>> @throws IndexOutOfBoundException if either index is negative or either
>>> index is greater than size()
>>> @throws IllegalArgumentException if (fromIndex > toIndex)
>>> then removeRange(0, -1) should throw IndexOutOfBoundException.
>>> Sincerely yours,
>>> Ivan

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