RFR: 8000975: (process) Merge UNIXProcess.java.bsd & UNIXProcess.java.linux (& .solaris & .aix)

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 15:19:41 UTC 2014


This is a preview of the effort to merge all 4 variants of UNIXProcess 
class into one source. Here's the bug:


And here's the webrev:


Per Alan's suggestion I have made the merged source (UNIXProcess.java) 
be a descendant of UNIXProcess.java.linux in mercurial history. This 
webrev also incorporates reaper thread pool changes for Solaris variant 
(this was the only variant not yet using thread pool) so that the 
changes are even simpler. Still missing is UNIX OS resolving based on 
os.name system property (Os.get() method). I couldn't find any official 
document about possible os.name values for different supported OSes. 
Does anyone have a pointer?

Regards, Peter

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