RFR 9: 8003488 Add Process.getPid

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu May 22 15:01:21 UTC 2014

On 22/05/2014 14:49, roger riggs wrote:
> Hi,
> The webrev has been updated to more completely describe the pid:
> "The native process id is an identification number that the operating 
> system assigns to the process."
> Any other comments?
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-getpid-8003488/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erriggs/webrev-getpid-8003488/>
Roger and I discussed this one last week so I'm happy with the signature 
and javadoc.

I see Ivan has picked up on the HANDLE <--> jlong and jlong_to_ptr is 
normally the macro that we use for that.

A minor consistency point is that the getPid is added before the 
constructor whereas the other overrides are below the constructor.

For the test then it would be good to add the issue number to the @bug line.

One question on the test as I'm not familiar with output of tasklist. If 
2+ test were to run tasklist at the same time then could it confuse this 
test? I'm just wondering if there is anything closer to echo $$.

Otherwise looks good to me.


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