Boolean valueOf instead of new Boolean

roger riggs roger.riggs at
Tue May 27 18:02:34 UTC 2014

Hi Otávio,

I can sponsor these two  (Boolean and single char strings) for you.

Because they cross over different repositories and require different reviews
it would be more convenient to process each of them in two batches 
(client vs core)

Please can you break out the 'client' changes into a separate webrev?
The client packages are:  (java and javax...)
   java2d, awt, swing, font, print, beans, media, imageio, applet, sound 
and accessibility.

The client webrevs should be posted to awt-dev and the other two to 
core-libs, net-dev and servicability-dev.

Thanks, Roger

On 5/27/2014 1:16 PM, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana wrote:
> Can anyone help me as sponsor?
> On May 25, 2014 2:08 AM, "Otávio Gonçalves de Santana" <otaviojava at>
> wrote:

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