JDK-6774110 lock file is not deleted when child logger is used

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Oct 10 14:17:43 UTC 2014


I have logged https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8060132.
I will start a new thread for discussing this issue.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 10/10/14 10:02, Stanimir Simeonoff wrote:
> Hi,
> LogManager.reset() should invoke a package private method to delete all
> lock files. However, that would require holding the FileHandler.locks
> monitor during the resetting of FileHandlers, not just the deletion
> process. Something like that, plus new PrivilegedAction().
> static void deleteAllLocks(){
>    synchronized(locks){
>      for (String file : locks) new File(file).delete();
>      locks.clear();
>    }
> }
> Alternatively the deletion could just be part of the Cleaner
> shutdownhook with another sun.misc.Cleaner per FileHandler that deletes
> the file. (Handlers can be shared amongst loggers, so they cannot be
> closed explicitly). There is a certain risk as file.delete() can be a
> very slow operation, though (ext3 [concurrently] deleting large files
> for example).
> Stanimir
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
> <mailto:daniel.fuchs at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Thanks Jason.
>     I wonder if that may be another issue. Interesting. I'll see if I
>     can work out a test case
>     for that tomorrow. With the test case provided in the bug - tested
>     on 7, 8, and 9,
>     the only file that  remained at the end was 'log' (which is as it
>     should be - and I ran
>     the test case several times with each JDK) - which lets me think
>     that maybe the
>     issue was different.
>     Now what you describe looks indeed like a bug that should still be
>     present
>     in the code base. I didn't think about that scenario, thanks for
>     pointing it out!
>     If i can write a reproducer (which should not be too difficult), it
>     will be a good
>     incentive to attempt a fix :-)
>     Thanks again,
>     -- daniel
>     On 10/9/14 9:56 PM, Jason Mehrens wrote:
>         Daniel,
>         The evaluation on this bug is not quite correct.  What is going
>         on here is the child logger is garbage collected which makes the
>         FileHandler unreachable from the LogManager$Cleaner which would
>         have closed the attached FileHandler.  In the example, there is
>         no hard reference that escapes the 'execute' method.  Prior to
>         fixing JDK-6274920: JDK logger holds strong reference to
>         java.util.logging.Logger instances, the LogManager$Cleaner would
>         have deleted the lock file on shutdown.  Now that the loggers
>         are GC'able, one possible fix would be change the
>         FileHandler.locks static field to Map<String,FileHandler> where
>         the key is the file name and the value is the FileHandler that
>         is open.  Then in the LogManager$Cleaner could close any entries
>         in that map after LogManager.reset() is executed.
>         Jason

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