RFR (M) 8061651 - Interface to the Lookup Index Cache to improve URLClassPath search time (round 2)

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Fri Oct 24 10:45:05 UTC 2014

On 10/24/2014 06:34 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>> Can lookupCacheEnabled flag change during runtime? In 
>> getLookupCache() the flag is checked more than once.
> Yes, it can change if disableAllLookupCaches() is called in the middle 
> of getLookupCache(). I have added more comments in the new webrev. 
> Please take a look to see if it makes sense.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/8061651-lookup-index-open-v2/ 

What is the reason to have lookupCacheEnabled disabled globally when for 
example calling addURL on *any* URLClassLoader? Couldn't the disabling 
of cache lookups be per URLClassPath rather than global?


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