Lower overhead String encoding/decoding

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Tue Oct 28 15:06:31 UTC 2014

On 10/28/2014 03:52 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 26/10/2014 21:10, Richard Warburton wrote:
>> :
>> Thanks for taking the time to look at this - most appreciated. I've 
>> pushed the latest iteration to 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rwarburton/string-patch-webrev-8/ 
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erwarburton/string-patch-webrev-8/>.
> I think this is looking good.
> For the constructor then the words "decoding the specified byte 
> buffer", it might be a bit clearer as "decoding the remaining bytes in 
> the ...".
> For getBytes(ByteBuffer, Charset) then the position is advanced by the 
> bytes written, no need to mention the number of chars read here.
> In the constructor then you make it clear that malformed/unmappable 
> sequences use the default replacement. This is important to state in 
> the getBytes methods too because the encoding can fail.
> -Alan.

Hi Richard, hi all,
Two comments,
You replace the nullcheck in getBytes() by a requireNonNull and at the 
same time, you don"t use requireNonNull in String(ByteBuffer,Charset),
no very logical isn't it ?
I think you need a supplementary constructor that takes a ByteBuffer and 
a charset name as a String,
i may be wrong, but it seems that every constructor of String that takes 
a Charset has a dual constructor that takes a Charset as a String.
As far as I remember, a constructor that takes a Charset as a String may 
be faster because you can share the character decoder
instead of creating a new one.


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