JEP 110 HTTP 2 client API

Kasper Nielsen kasperni at
Wed Apr 1 17:34:47 UTC 2015

Looks really clean and simple.

Some minor issues.
Would it possible to add a connect timeout parameter.
builder.setConnectTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

For some reason it was left out of the javax.websocket API. And working
around it is a serious PITA.

Rename Websocket to WebsocketClient to avoid people thinking you can use it
server side?

How is the threading done for something like asynchronous connect?

I find the use of byte[] vs ByteBuffer a bit inconsistent.
For example, HttpResponseBodyProcessor uses ByteBuffer while
WebSocketMessage uses byte[]

- Kasper

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Michael McMahon <
michael.x.mcmahon at> wrote:

> Hi,
> [this has already been posted to net-dev]
> JEP 110 HTTP 2 client
> in JDK 9, is defining and implementing a new API for HTTP which also
> supports
> the new HTTP version 2 that has recently been working its way through the
> The work also includes support for websockets (RFC 6455).
> In fact, the majority of the API is agnostic about the HTTP protocol
> version, with only minor
> configuration settings, and support for multiple responses (Http server
> push) having any direct impact.
> The HTTP API is defined around three main types (HttpClient, which is the
> central
> point for configuration of SSL, executor service cookie management etc),
> HttpRequest
> and HttpResponse (which should be self explanatory).
> Requests are sent/received either synchronously (blocking) or in a
> non-blocking (asynchronous)
> mode using java.util.future.CompletableFuture.
> The API docs can be seen at the link below:
> All new classes and interfaces belong to the package.
> A prototype implementation of this API supporting HTTP/1.1, is available
> in the JDK 9 sandbox forest in JEP-110-branch.
> Comments welcome!
> Thanks,
> Michael.

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