RFR: 8076090: jimage extract + recreate broken again

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Thu Apr 9 15:57:56 UTC 2015

On 4/9/15 7:59 AM, Jim Laskey (Oracle) wrote:
> Thanks Mandy.  Changed the main to ;
>      public static void main(String[] args) {
>          final String JAVA_HOME = System.getProperty("java.home");
>          Path jimagePath = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "bin", "jimage");
>          Path bootimagePath = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "lib", "modules", "bootmodules.jimage");
>          if (Files.exists(jimagePath) && Files.exists(bootimagePath)) {
>              String jimage = jimagePath.toAbsolutePath().toString();
>              String bootimage = bootimagePath.toAbsolutePath().toString();
>              String extractDir = Paths.get(".", "extract").toAbsolutePath().toString();
>              String recreateImage = Paths.get(".", "recreate.jimage").toAbsolutePath().toString();
>              exec(new String[] {jimage, "extract", "--dir", extractDir, bootimage});
>              exec(new String[] {jimage, "recreate", "--dir", extractDir, recreateImage});
>              System.err.println("Test successful");
>           } else {
>              System.err.println("Test skipped, no module image");
>           }
>      }
> Running jprt - okay to push after that?

Looks good and yes okay to push after jprt job succeeds. Nit: System.err 
-> System.out as it's not an error.


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