[9] RFR (S): Class.getSimpleName() should work for non-JLS compliant class names

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Mon Apr 13 17:39:44 UTC 2015

John, David, thanks for the feedback!

What do you think about the following version:

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 4/10/15 10:15 PM, John Rose wrote:
> On Apr 9, 2015, at 4:16 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
> <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Vladimir,
>> On 10/04/2015 12:51 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>> David, thanks for the feedback!
>>> Updated webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8057919/webrev.01/jdk
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8057919/webrev.01/hotspot
>>> I restored original logic and call into VM only if it fails.
>> This change seems fine to me, but I think John may prefer to see
>> getSimpleName implemented such that it always returns the name from
>> the innerclass attribute. (Though perhaps with caching if performance
>> is a concern?)
> Yes, I do prefer the new logic instead of a combination of old and new.
> Two concerns:  Somebody somewhere might be relying on a bug in the old
> logic and be frustrated by seeing that bug fixed.  This is a fine line
> to walk, but in this case I think the behavior change (if any) will show
> up in places where we already have outages.  Perhaps someone is
> post-processing the result of getSimpleName to correct it.  If so they
> may no longer need to do that.
> Second, the new logic may itself have issues.  A typical problem with
> the InnerClasses attribute is it is broken or stripped, or a related
> nestmate is missing.  (See parallel thread in core-libs-dev on 8076264.)
>   But the proposed change takes effect after a call to
> Class.getEnclosingClass, which uses
> InstanceKlass::compute_enclosing_class_impl and accesses the same
> InnerClasses record.
> This leads me to a comment:  The common code (two uses
> of InnerClassesIterator with klass_name_at_matches) should be factored
> out.  The factored subroutine should search out the self-record in the
> InnerClasses attribute.  The logic is tricky enough that I'm
> uncomfortable with it being duplicated.  Key issue:  We don't want to
> load any classes doing this lookup.
> (For bonus points, factor the third use in that file, the one that looks
> not for self but for children-of-self.  Add a boolean flag that varies
> the test.)
> Bottom line:  The new logic should replace the old.
>>>>> The logic to compute simple name (Class.getSimpleName()) for
>>>>> inner/nested/local classes is tightly coupled with Java naming scheme
>>>>> and sometimes fails for classes generated from non-Java code.
>>>> Meta-question: if this is non-Java code then what does/should
>>>> "simpleName" even mean? "Returns the simple name of the underlying class
>>>> as given in the source code." If there is no (java) source code does
>>>> this have any meaning? Should it return "" ?
>>> My reading of the JVMS is that InnerClasses attribute can be freely used
>>> by non-Java compilers to store simple names for classes they generate.
>>> The current wording for inner_name_index doesn't mention Java language.
>> True, but it does refer to source code: "represents the original
>> simple name of C, as given in the source code from which this class
>> file was compiled. " which seems misplaced as we're discussing classes
>> for which there is no source code as such.
> It could be non-Java source code.  In any case, the indicated component
> of the "binary name" of the class is well-defined, whether or not it
> occurs in source code.  Note also that classes might be generated by ASM
> (no source code per se) but we still have a reasonable expectation of
> reflecting on them, even though reflection is (mostly) defined in terms
> of source code constructs.
>> Anyway it just flags to me that perhaps these Class methods need to be
>> generalized a bit given the support for non-Java languages on the JVM.
>> But that's for core-libs folk to decide.
> Yes, I think that's the issue.  The multi-language folks (like me) would
> be disappointed to hear that we decided that non-Java languages don't
> have any needs here; they do.
> Thanks,
> — John
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vladimir Ivanov
>>>>> Instead of parsing class name and try to extract simple name based on
>>>>> JLS rules, the fix I propose is to use InnerClasses attribute from the
>>>>> class file. Simple name is already recorded there.
>>>> >
>>>>> JVMS-4.7.6: The InnerClasses Attribute
>>>>> "inner_name_index: If C is anonymous (JLS §15.9.5), the value of the
>>>>> inner_name_index item must be zero. Otherwise, the value of the
>>>>> inner_name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool
>>>>> table, and the entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info
>>>>> structure (§4.4.7) that represents the original simple name of C, as
>>>>> given in the source code from which this class file was compiled."
>>>>> Since I consider backporting the fix into 8u60, I'd like to hear
>>>>> opinions about backward compatibility of such change.
>>>>> As an alternative solution, I can restore original logic and consult
>>>>> InnerClasses attribute when class name parsing logic fails.
>>>> I think I'd prefer to see the VM call only used as a fallback if the
>>>> regular parsing fails. That would prevent any compatibility issues for
>>>> the 8u backport (ignoring tests that deliberately generate invalidly
>>>> named classes).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
>>>>> Testing: regression test, jck-runtime/java_lang, jdk/test/java/lang/
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Vladimir Ivanov

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