RFR 9: 8077350 Process API Updates Implementation Review

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Mon Apr 20 15:53:47 UTC 2015

Hi Thomas,

I expanded the ProcessHandle class javadoc [1] paragraph to include the
caution about process id reuse.

Thanks, Roger


On 4/18/2015 2:44 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at oracle.com 
> <mailto:Roger.Riggs at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Hi David,
>     On 4/17/2015 2:44 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>         On 04/17/2015 11:53 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>             Hi Peter,
>             On 4/17/2015 4:05 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>                 Hi Roger,
>                 Retrieving and caching the process start time as soon
>                 as ProcessHandle
>                 is instantiated might be a good idea. "destroy" native
>                 code would then
>                 use pid *and* start time to check the identity of the
>                 process before
>                 killing it.
>             Yes, though it does raise a question about how to specify
>             PH.equals().
>             Either the start time is explicitly
>             mentioned (and is repeatable and testable) or it is vague
>             and refers to
>             some implementation
>             specific value that uniquely identifies the process; and
>             is less testable.
>         Even with timestamps though, you cannot prevent the PID from
>         being reused in the time window after you verify its timestamp
>         but before you kill it unless it is a direct child process (on
>         UNIX anyway; who knows what Windows does...).  I think that
>         this inevitable race should be mentioned in the docs
>         regardless of whether the timestamp thing is implemented (or
>         doc'd) to prevent unrealistic expectations (the api draft link
>         seems to be dead so I didn't see if it already includes this
>         kind of language).
>     I can add a note about race conditions to the existing class level
>     javadoc about process information changing asynchronously.
>     "Race conditions can exist between checking the status of a
>     process and acting upon it."
>     But I'm still struck by the oddity of Java needing to provide a
>     better interface
>     to processes than the native OS does.  In the native OS, a pid is
>     a pid and
>     the only handle given to applications.  So both the app and the os
>     need to
>     be conservative about pid re-use.
> The problem is the audience. Every UNIX system programmer knows about 
> the dangers of pid recycling. Java programmers don't, and your API 
> promises a robustness and simplicity which it unfortunately cannot 
> deliver. No one will expect a ProcessHandle returned by allChildren 
> suddenly to refer to a totally different process. Therefore I also 
> think the dangers should be clearly mentioned in the java doc.
> Regards, Thomas
>     The link[1] was broken while I replaced it with an update
>     reflecting the recent comments.
>     Thanks, Roger
>     [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/phdoc/
>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erriggs/phdoc/>
>                 At least on Linux (/proc/<pid>/stat) and Solaris
>                 (/proc/<pid>/status)
>                 it is not necessary to open those special files and
>                 read them. Just
>                 doing stat() on them and using the st_mtime will get
>                 you the process
>                 start time. I see AIX shares native code with Linux
>                 (unix), so perhaps
>                 AIX does the same. Mac OSX and Windows have special
>                 calls...
>             That is less expensive.  But opening /proc/<pid>/stat is
>             necessary for
>             allChildren to get
>             and filter on the parent and can provide the starttime as
>             well.
>             stat would be useful for allProcesses which does not need
>             the parent.
>                 In case OS does not allow retrieving the start time
>                 (not owner or
>                 similar), it should be cached as some "undefined"
>                 value and treated
>                 the same when destroying. If while obtaining the
>                 ProcessHandle *and*
>                 while destroying the process, the start time of the
>                 process with a
>                 particular pid is "undefined" then there are two options:
>                 1 - don't kill the process
>                 2 - kill the process
>                 They might actually be no different as the reason of
>                 not being able to
>                 retrieve the start time (not owner) might prevent the
>                 process from
>                 being killed too, so option 2 could be used to allow
>                 killing on any
>                 hypothetical platforms that don't support retrieving
>                 start time and it
>                 is no worse than current implementation anyway.
>             Destroy is a best-effort method;  it is not guaranteed to
>             result in
>             termination, though
>             the docs are a bit weak on this point.
>             I'd go for option 2, anyone using the API is looking for
>             results on
>             processes they
>             already know something about (mostly), so there's no
>             reason to be
>             particularly
>             conservative about.  If the caller is trying to be more
>             conservative,
>             they can maintain
>             their own extra information about the processes they are
>             managing.
>                 What do you think?
>             I'd like to pick this up as a separate change, and get the
>             current one
>             in first.
>             Roger

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