RFR: 8078139 : jdk.xml.dom should be loaded by the ext class loader

huizhe wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Tue Apr 21 19:41:48 UTC 2015

On 4/21/2015 11:41 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> On 04/21/2015 02:20 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> OK.  I think it's better to follow up this after further discussion for
>> the deprivileging work and understand what can or can't be done in
>> editing the policy files.  For now, we should keep existing behavior to
>> grant jdk.xml.dom AllPermissions.  How does that sound?
> Actually, if all that is in the module is interfaces, and there are no 
> permission checks in default/static methods, I don't think any 
> permissions are necessary. So I think the webrev is fine as is.

Thanks Sean.  Yes, they are purely interfaces, no default/static 
methods. The only references to java.xml are a few DOM types that are 
not restricted.

BTW, I also added the @Test annotation back. It does run within JTreg, 
but not NetBeans as Lance noted.



> --Sean

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