[9] RFR of 8078672: Print and allow setting by Java property seeds used to initialize Random instances in java.lang numerics tests

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at oracle.com
Wed Apr 29 22:55:57 UTC 2015

Continuing the conversation about:


with an updated patch:


Please review at your convenience.


1) test/java/lang/RandomFactory.java is moved to test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/ (with respect to the previous patch but not visible in the webrev) and getSplittableRandom() is added.

2) the java/lang/{Double,Integer,Long,Math} tests modified in the previous patch are updated to use RandomFactory in its new, generic location.

3) the java/math/Big{Decimal,Integer} tests which used test/java/math/RandomSeed are modified to use RandomFactory.

4) test/java/math/RandomSeed.java is removed.

All tests pass locally on OS X and a job testing jdk_lang and jdk_math has been submitted to the usual set of platforms.



On Apr 28, 2015, at 8:04 AM, Brian Burkhalter <brian.burkhalter at oracle.com> wrote:

> On Apr 28, 2015, at 12:57 AM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> Perhaps the random number handling should be moved up to somewhere under jdk/test/lib? That would more easily let other type who want to handling random numbers in a uniform way use the library (at the cost of slightly more complicated jtreg tagging).
>>> I’ll investigate tomorrow whether perhaps this functionality can be moved to a higher level with removal of duplication of code. The java/math/RandomSeed class changeset was the first in which I used @library so I should look over the jtreg tag list again.
>> I think having support for this in the jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary would be good. I was going to suggest that too when the first changeset was pushed.
>> -Chris.
> Hi Chris,
> Yes I concur and will look into consolidating this code in a centralized location.
> Thanks,
> Brian

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