RFR: 8071507: (ref) Clear phantom reference as soft and weak references do

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Mon Dec 7 13:49:23 UTC 2015

On 05.12.15 21:23, Peter Levart wrote:
> Digging up the src.jar of JDK 1.2.2, here's what the constructor of
> PhantomReference looked like:
>      /**
>       * Creates a new phantom reference that refers to the given object and
>       * is registered with the given queue.
>       *
>       * @throws  NullPointerException  If the <code>queue</code> argument
>       *                                is <code>null</code>
>       */
>      public PhantomReference(Object referent, ReferenceQueue q) {
>          super(referent, q);
>      }
> ...so it seems Mark wanted PhantomReference constructor to throw NPE.
> But implementation did not do that (here's also the constructor of
> Reference):
>      Reference(Object referent, ReferenceQueue queue) {
>          this.referent = referent;
>          if (referent == null) {
>              /* Immediately make this instance inactive */
>              this.queue = ReferenceQueue.NULL;
>              this.next = this;
>          } else {
>              this.queue = (queue == null) ? ReferenceQueue.NULL : queue;
>              this.next = null;
>          }
>      }
> ...and so the spec. has probably been modified to follow the standing
> behavior.

Looks like it was updated in jdk5:

Best regards, Sergey.

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