Unsafe.park/unpark, j.u.c.LockSupport and Thread

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Feb 11 10:04:16 UTC 2015


I appreciate the issue with discontinuing use of Unsafe but this churn 
to the public APIs seems unwarranted. Would we have done it differently 
from day one? Sure. Does that mean we should change it all now? Not 
without a very good reason. And I'm on the fence there.

The fact that LockSupport needs access to Thread internals is something 
that modules could actually resolve :) - though I'm not up to date on 
the interaction of module access and package access.

Let's see what Doug thinks of all this too.


On 11/02/2015 6:52 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2015, at 2:43 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Adding Doug Lea.
>> On 11/02/2015 12:51 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> On Feb 10, 2015, at 3:39 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> Adding native methods to 166 classes will introduce another form of dependency on the platform that i would prefer to avoid.
>>>> Right. And I suspect that the separate distributable of 166, outside of the Java Platform, would not want to have to carry a separate platform specific native library.
>>> Yes.
>> Right and for that reason jsr166 distribution would not want to have to know whether to use Thread or Unsafe.
> And that's why it should just be the former for the Java 9 platform and beyond.
> The general strategy is to reduce dependency on Unsafe, including for 166 classes. The VarHandles effort is part of that strategy to replace Unsafe enhanced access with a public alternative that is safe and just as performant.
>>>>>> But I don't see any reason why we couldn't move the implementation from unsafe.cpp to jvm.cpp and invoke via a native method implementation of LockSupport. It would still be just as "unsafe" of course.
>>>>> Can you think of any reasons, beyond that of "don't touch the core classes", why we cannot copy this functionality over to java.lang.{*, Thread} ?
>>>> Would you be thinking of making the changes public, i.e. new standard API on java.lang.Thread ?
>>> Yes, j.l.Thread seems like the ideal location :-)
>> I don't see any point in moving it to Thread now. The public supported API already exists in LockSupport.
> Yes, but as i said the point is to tease apart the internal dependencies between the platform and LockSupport class. (A simple solution is to copy and rename this class to java.lang.ThreadSupport :-) .)
>> The issue is not LockSupport versus Thread, but the use of Unsafe.
> It's because LockSupport uses Unsafe to access non-public fields of Thread, and i also want to break that internal dependency.
> I presume that LockSupport was created because agreement was not reached to add such core *thread*-based functionality to Thread. I dunno why such agreement was not reached, but so far i am not hearing any compelling technical reasons.
> Paul.
> <snip>
>> As I said you'd have to deprecate it in 9 with an intent to remove in 10 - assuming you are even allowed to do that.
> Opinions differ but i think we should be more serious about removing stuff that has been marked deprecated for one major release if the intent to do so is made clear when deprecating.

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