RFR: 8072645: java.util.logging should use java.time to get more precise time stamps

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Sat Feb 14 10:28:10 UTC 2015

Elements of the date/time handling here don't really work.

Logging is essentially a UTC only problem, using a time-zone is slow and
unecessary. This indicates that all uses of ZonedDateTime should be
replaced with either Instant or an OffsetDateTime using ZoneOffset.UTC.

Any string format should have the ISO-8601 string end with "Z", and not end
with "-05:00" or any other zone offset.

(The webrev is broken wrt zones as it stores ZoneId.systemDefault() in a
static constant, but that method depends on the mutable
TimeZone.getDefault() ).

LogReecord.getInstantUTC() should be getInstant().

(An Instant is fully defined as a concept, and it cannot be in or not in

In SimpleFormatter, you have {@code java.util.loggin} (missing a "g").

In XMLFormatter, instead of using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME,
create a new instance of DateTimeFormatter that does not output the
fraction of a second. That way, there is no need to use

StringBuilder appends can be used directly with formatters:

sb.append(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(time, zoneId).format(dtformatter));

replace with

dtformatter.formatTo(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(time, zoneId), sb);


On 13 Feb 2015 14:57, "Daniel Fuchs" <daniel.fuchs at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please find below a patch for:
> 8072645: java.util.logging should use java.time to get more
>          precise time stamps
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8072645/webrev.00/
> specdiff:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8072645/
> specdiff-logging-time/java/util/logging/package-summary.html
> Overview:
> ---------
> The patch is made of the following pieces:
>  - LogRecord uses java.time.Clock's systemClock to get an
>    Instant in the best available resolution.
>    The instant is split into a number of milliseconds (a long)
>    and a nanosecond adjustment (an int).
>    The number of milliseconds is the same than what would have
>    been obtained by calling System.currentTimeMillis().
>  - LogRecord acquires a new serializable int nanoAdjustement field,
>    which can be used together with the number of milliseconds
>    to reconstruct the instant.
>  - SimpleFormatter is updated to pass a ZoneDateTime
>    instance to String.format, instead of a Date.
>    The effect of that is that the format string can now
>    be configure to print the full instant precision, if
>    needed.
>  - XMLformatter will add a new <nanos> element after the
>    <millis> element - if the value of the nanoAdjustment
>    field is not 0.
>    The <date> string will also contain the nano second
>    adjustment as well as the zone offset as formatted by
>    DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME
> Compatibility considerations:
> -----------------------------
> - The serial for of log record is backward/forward compatible.
>   I added a test to verify that.
> - XMLFormatter has acquired a new configurable property
>   '<FQCN>.printNanos' which allows to revert to the old
>   XML format, should the new format cause issues in
>   existing applications.
> - The logger.dtd will need to be updated, to support the
>   new optional <nanos> element. And for this matter,
>   should we update the logger.dtd or rather define a
>   logger-v2.dtd?
>   See planned modification:
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8072645/logger-
> dtd/logger.dtd.frames.html>
> best regards,
> -- daniel

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