java.time.ZoneId.systemDefalut() overhead
Claes Redestad
claes.redestad at
Sun Feb 22 21:21:43 UTC 2015
Hi Peter,
On 2015-02-22 21:21, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed internal JDK class uses deprecated
> java.util.Date API for implementing two methods for converting DOS to
> Java time and back. I thought I'd try translating them to use new
> java.time API. Translation was straightforward, but I noticed that new
> implementations are not on par with speed to old java.util.Date
> versions. Here's a JMH benchmark implementing those two conversion
> methods with java.util.Date and java.time.ZonedDateTime APIs:
> was filed to fix the
deprecation warnings of practically identical code in
jdk/nio/zipfs/, maybe this could be fixed at the same time?
I did a similar experiment recently and think I saw better throughput
going from LocalDateTime to the sufficient second precision via
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
public static long dosToJavaTime(long dtime) {
- Date d = new Date((int)(((dtime >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80),
- (int)(((dtime >> 21) & 0x0f) - 1),
- (int)((dtime >> 16) & 0x1f),
- (int)((dtime >> 11) & 0x1f),
- (int)((dtime >> 5) & 0x3f),
- (int)((dtime << 1) & 0x3e));
- return d.getTime();
+ LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.of((int) (((dtime >> 25) &
0x7f) + 1980),
+ (int) ((dtime >> 21) & 0x0f),
+ (int) ((dtime >> 16) & 0x1f),
+ (int) ((dtime >> 11) & 0x1f),
+ (int) ((dtime >> 5) & 0x3f),
+ (int) ((dtime << 1) & 0x3e));
+ return
time.toEpochSecond(ZoneId.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(time)) *
This avoids a few allocations.
Similarly for the javaToDos case going from an Instant to LocalDateTime
with a ZoneOffset seemed to win out:
+ Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(time);
+ LocalDateTime d = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant,
+ ZoneOffset.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(instant));
> The results show the following:
> Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score
> error Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date avgt 5 101.890
> 17.570 ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT avgt 5 137.587
> 13.533 ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date avgt 5 67.114 10.382
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT avgt 5 143.739
> 15.243 ns/op
> Quick sampling with jvisualvm shows that a substantial time is spent
> repeatedly obtaining ZoneId.systemDefault() instance. I checked the
> implementation and came up with the following optimization:
> TimeZone is a mutable object and has to be defensively cloned when
> TimeZone.getDefault() is invoked. So there's no point in caching a
> ZoneId instance inside TimeZone instance if we cache it on a clone
> that is thrown away each time ZoneId.systemDefault() is invoked. I use
> SharedSecrets to access the uncloned TimeZone.defaultTimeZone instance
> where caching of ZoneId pays of.
> I think that it was never meant to change TimeZone's ID
> (TimeZone.setID()) after such instance was put into operation (for
> example installed as default time zone with TimeZone.setDefault()).
> Such use is unintended and buggy. So I also changed the implementation
> of TimeZone.setDefault() to save a defensive copy of TimeZone object
> as default time zone instead of a reference to it.
> With this patch, the DOS/Java time conversion benchmark shows an
> improvement:
> Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score
> error Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date avgt 5 97.986 18.379
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT avgt 5 85.010 10.863
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date avgt 5 71.073 25.408
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT avgt 5 95.298 17.620
> ns/op
> Is this patch correct or did I miss something from the internals of
> java.time API that does not permit such caching?
Seems OK to me - perhaps an alternative would be to add a public static
ZoneId getDefaultZoneId() on TimeZone rather than adding backdoors to
the getDefaultRef? The caching seems sound, and I guess we don't have to
worry about making it volatile.
The defensive copy in TimeZone.setDefault() seems like maybe it should
be a separate bug.
> Regards, Peter
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