java.time.ZoneId.systemDefalut() overhead

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Thu Feb 26 22:47:53 UTC 2015

Personally, I found the SharedSecrets version easier to follow. I also
suspect that the toZoneId0() method would be invoked most of the time
with this variant, resulting in no beneficial inlining effect.

The ZoneOffsetTransition patch looks like a no-brainer to me.


On 26 February 2015 at 20:14, Peter Levart <peter.levart at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Using routines for converting DOS time to Java time and back
> ([dosToJavaTime,javaToDosTime]) as a base for
> comparing deprecated java.util.Date API with new java.time API, here's a JMH
> test with 3 distinct implementations of those routines using java.util.Date,
> java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.ZonedDateTime respectively:
> Running the test in unpatched JDK9 reveals these results:
> Benchmark                               Mode   Samples        Score  Score
> error    Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date     avgt        15       95.644
> 4.241    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_LDT      avgt        15      118.155
> 2.980    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT      avgt        15      131.456
> 3.586    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date     avgt        15       74.692
> 1.709    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_LDT      avgt        15      134.116
> 4.396    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT      avgt        15      141.987
> 8.697    ns/op
> Using LocalDateTime instead of ZonedDateTime is a little faster, but does
> not make it as fast as using java.util.Date.
> With a patch for caching of ZoneId on default TimeZone, which speeds up
> repeated calls to ZoneId.systemDefault(), the results are as follows:
> Benchmark                               Mode   Samples        Score  Score
> error    Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date     avgt        15       95.590
> 2.354    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_LDT      avgt        15       79.682
> 3.572    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT      avgt        15       86.801
> 2.081    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date     avgt        15       75.096
> 1.178    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_LDT      avgt        15       91.919
> 2.191    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT      avgt        15       92.037
> 2.054    ns/op
> dosToJavaTime routine using LocalDateTime outperforms java.util.Date based.
> But javaToDosTime still lags behind. Profiling shows another point that can
> be optimized. In ZoneRules.getOffset(Instant) there is a loop over
> ZoneOffsetTransition[] array that searches for 1st transition that has its
> toEpochSecond value less than the Instant's epochSecond. This calls
> ZoneOffsetTransition.toEpochSecond repeatedly, converting
> ZoneOffsetTransition.transition which is a LocalDateTime to epochSecond.
> This repeated conversion is unnecessary, as ZoneOffsetTransition[] array is
> part of ZoneRules which is cached. Optimizing the ZoneOffsetTransition
> implementation (keeping both LocalDateTime variant and eposhSecond variant
> of transition time as the object's state) speeds up this conversion which
> makes the above test produce these results when combined with
> ZoneId.systemDefault() optimization:
> Benchmark                               Mode   Samples        Score  Score
> error    Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date     avgt        15       92.291
> 2.903    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_LDT      avgt        15       79.765
> 3.106    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT      avgt        15       87.282
> 2.967    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date     avgt        15       76.235
> 2.651    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_LDT      avgt        15       73.115
> 2.567    ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT      avgt        15       75.701
> 2.226    ns/op
> For these tests I used another approach for speeding up
> ZoneId.systemDefault() which doesn't use ShareSecrets. It changes only
> TimeZone class so that base TimeZone instance is referenced from the clone
> returned by TimeZone.getDefault(). Although TimeZone object is unnecessarily
> cloned, it does not represent much overhead (probably the allocation is
> optimized away by JIT as the clone never escapes from
> ZoneId.systemDefault()):
> The patch to ZoneOffsetTransition class is straightforward:
> So is this a worthy improvement? What do you think about the new approach
> for optimizing ZoneId.systemDefault() compared to SharedSecrets based:
> (this one still has a NPE bug in timeZone.setDefault())
> Regards, Peter
> On 02/23/2015 12:50 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> Having recently spent time on performance myself, I know that there
> are a number of things in the java.time package that need some work.
> Improving ZoneId.systemDefault() is definitely an improvement I
> welcome. The change is along the lines of that I would have made,
> involving a "secret" location to allow data to be exchanged (this code
> needs to avoid the clone). The idea of adding a public method
> TimeZone.getDefaultZoneId() is also one I'd be interested in if it
> works.
> On the patch, in TimeZone::toZoneId() I would use two methods:
> public ZoneId toZoneId() {
>  ZoneId zId = zoneId;
>  if (zId == null) {
>   zoneId = zId = toZoneId0();
>  }
> return zId;
> }
> private ZoneId toZoneId0() {
>  String id = getID();
>  if (ZoneInfoFile.useOldMapping() && id.length() == 3) {
>   if ("EST".equals(id)) {
>    zId = ZoneId.of("America/New_York");
>   } else if ("MST".equals(id)) {
>    zId = ZoneId.of("America/Denver");
>   } else if ("HST".equals(id)) {
>    zId = ZoneId.of("America/Honolulu");
>   } else {
>    zId = ZoneId.of(id, ZoneId.SHORT_IDS);
>   }
>  }
> }
> This should aid hotspot inlining (removing uncommon paths from main flow).
> Does the code properly handle the static setDefault() method? I
> suspect so, but will be worth a test.
> If there's no undesirable side effect then caching zoneId
> inside TimeZone looks reasonable to me - however I'm not an expert
> of the field, and I got to learn that time/date can be more complex
> than what I first thought ;-)
> One thing I noticed is that there are two kinds of ZoneRulesProvider(s):
> those that are static and allow their rules to be cached and the dynamic
> ones, that can provide dynamic view on rules and therefore don't allow
> caching of rules. But this aspect is encapsulated in ZoneRegion class (an
> implementation of ZoneId). So I think an instance to ZoneRegion (or any
> ZoneId) can be cached for indefinite time as long as it's id is the one that
> we are looking for.
> Yes, ZoneId can be safely cached as an immutable object (probably
> never going to be a value type BTW). All current ZoneRegion instances
> have static, not dynamic, rules.
> As a final possibility, it might be possible to add a new subclass of
> TimeZone that works directly off ZoneId. (sourcing the offset rules
> from ZoneId instead of direct from the underlying data). However, the
> mutable API of TimeZone probably makes it quite hard to get right.
> On the specific ZIP code, using LocalDateTime rather than
> ZonedDateTime may be faster as there are less objects to create.Claes'
> code looks OK at first glance.
> To get more performance, effort needs to be spent on LocalDate.of()
> and LocalTime.of(). Both use very clean code, but it calls out to a
> general routine that has to lookup boundary numbers. Because they are
> general, they have quite deep call stacks, and inlining sometimes
> fails to reach them due to inlining depth limits. For those two
> critical pieces of code, the limits need to be inlined, something like
> this:
> public static LocalDate of(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
>  if (year < Year.MIN_VALUE || year > Year.MAX_VALUE) {
>   throw new DateTimeException(genInvalidFieldMessage(YEAR, year))
>  }
>  if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
>   throw new DateTimeException(genInvalidFieldMessage(MONTH_OF_YEAR, month))
>  }
>  if (dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31) {
>   throw new DateTimeException(genInvalidFieldMessage(DAY_OF_MONTH,
> dayOfMonth))
>  }
>  return create(year, month, dayOfMonth);
> }
> private String genInvalidFieldMessage(TemporalField field, long value) {
>  return "Invalid value for " + field + " (valid values " + this + "): " +
> value;
> }
> I've not tested if this is faster, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
> Stephen
> On 22 February 2015 at 20:21, Peter Levart <peter.levart at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed internal JDK class uses deprecated
> java.util.Date API for implementing two methods for converting DOS to Java
> time and back. I thought I'd try translating them to use new java.time API.
> Translation was straightforward, but I noticed that new implementations are
> not on par with speed to old java.util.Date versions. Here's a JMH benchmark
> implementing those two conversion methods with java.util.Date and
> java.time.ZonedDateTime APIs:
> The results show the following:
> Benchmark                               Mode   Samples Score  Score error
> Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date     avgt         5 101.890       17.570
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT      avgt         5 137.587       13.533
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date     avgt 5       67.114       10.382
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT      avgt         5 143.739       15.243
> ns/op
> Quick sampling with jvisualvm shows that a substantial time is spent
> repeatedly obtaining ZoneId.systemDefault() instance. I checked the
> implementation and came up with the following optimization:
> TimeZone is a mutable object and has to be defensively cloned when
> TimeZone.getDefault() is invoked. So there's no point in caching a ZoneId
> instance inside TimeZone instance if we cache it on a clone that is thrown
> away each time ZoneId.systemDefault() is invoked. I use SharedSecrets to
> access the uncloned TimeZone.defaultTimeZone instance where caching of
> ZoneId pays of.
> I think that it was never meant to change TimeZone's ID (TimeZone.setID())
> after such instance was put into operation (for example installed as default
> time zone with TimeZone.setDefault()). Such use is unintended and buggy. So
> I also changed the implementation of TimeZone.setDefault() to save a
> defensive copy of TimeZone object as default time zone instead of a
> reference to it.
> With this patch, the DOS/Java time conversion benchmark shows an
> improvement:
> Benchmark                               Mode   Samples Score  Score error
> Units
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_Date     avgt 5       97.986       18.379
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.dosToJavaTime_ZDT      avgt 5       85.010       10.863
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_Date     avgt 5       71.073       25.408
> ns/op
> j.t.ZipUtilsTest.javaToDosTime_ZDT      avgt 5       95.298       17.620
> ns/op
> Is this patch correct or did I miss something from the internals of
> java.time API that does not permit such caching?
> Regards, Peter

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