pre-RFR (s): 8049847: Enhance PrintWriter line.separator handling
Claes Redestad
claes.redestad at
Fri Jan 2 15:38:44 UTC 2015
this is a proposal to resolve concerns that PrintWriter/BufferedWriter
inconsistently with j.u.Formatter when setting the line.separator
property to override
system-appropriate line breaks.
Instead of providing a set of new constructors, I propose to simply
add a new default
method j.l.Appendable#lineSeparator, which by default delegates to
This allows classes such as PrintWriter/BufferedWriter to provide
overrides which
communicate to j.u.Formatter their intended behavior.
This indirectly provides a way to control the lineSeparator by
allowing users to
override PrintWriter or similar in custom classes which override
lineSeparator, e.g.:
PrintWriter unixPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(out) {
public String lineSeparator() { return "\n"; }
PrintWriter windowsPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(out) {
public String lineSeparator() { return "\r\n"; }
Bonus: This approach can be used to optimize j.l.Throwable to get rid
of all static
inner classes to wrap PrintWriter/PrintStream and instead use
j.l.Appendable, which
more than enough will mitigate the startup hit adding a method to
Appendable will incur.
I've not filed requests to change the public API just yet, rather
wanted to throw this out
for preview to see if there's some concern and feedback first.
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