HashMap collision speed (regression 7->8)

Bernd Eckenfels ecki at zusammenkunft.net
Thu Jan 8 16:38:11 UTC 2015


I think it was topic before, but I just wanted to point out, that it is
still an topic on the internetz. :)

Motivated by a StackOverflow question regarding HashMap performance
regression in Java 8


I made a JMH test and compared 7 and 8 speed. (the test is not very scientific as I dont really know how to squeeze the longrunning loop which alters state into the harness, but the results seem to be consitent wth theory and stopwatch testing)


What can be seen is, that with a good distribution of hash keys 8 looks
faster than 7, and with a bad distribution of hash keys Java 7 is
faster (unless you supply a Comparator for the key). (and a good distributed hashkey with comparable seems to be a bit slower)

I think the regression is somewhat expected, but I guess its not widely

(I do not use a cached hashcode, but it has a nearly trivial implementation just to make it more life like. the tests also compares different initial sizes, but they do not have
an measurable effect on the performance, I show only default size below:)

java version "1.7.0_72"
Benchmark                      (initialSize) Mode Samp Score    Error Units
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.badDistNoComp 16    avgt 4   10847,318 ± 5596,690 ms/op
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.badDistWithComp 16  avgt 4   10761,430 ± 5376,975 ms/op
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.goodDistNoComp 16   avgt 4    3613,923 ± 254,823 ms/op
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.goodDistWithComp 16 avgt 4    3656,229 ± 274,350 ms/op
java version "1.8.0_25"
Benchmark                      (initialSize) Mode Samp Score     Error Units
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.badDistNoComp 16    avgt 4    14309,880 ± 1811,709 ms/op <-slower
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.badDistWithComp 16  avgt 4     8232,037 ± 5974,530 ms/op
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.goodDistNoComp 16   avgt 4     3304,698 ± 116,866 ms/op
n.e.j.h.HashMapCollision.goodDistWithComp 16 avgt 4     3425,762 ± 107,659 ms/op


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