JEP 132: More-prompt finalization

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Mon Jun 22 07:33:34 UTC 2015

Hi Kim,

On 06/09/2015 07:44 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi Kim,
> Thanks for taking a look at this code.
> On 06/09/2015 04:03 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> On May 31, 2015, at 3:32 PM, Peter Levart<peter.levart at>  wrote:
>>> So, for the curious, here's the improved prototype:
>>> And here are the improved benchmarks (with some results inline):
>> While perusing the offered code (webrev.02) (not a careful review
>> yet), I think I've found a serious bug:
>> In
>> in unhookPendingChunk
>>   253             // assert == r;
>>   254             // move a chunk of pending/discovered references to a
>>   255             // temporary local r/next chain
>> ...
>>   262        = r;
>> I think that assertion suggested at line 253 does not hold, and line
>> 262 may damage a queue.
>> The problem is that the application could explicitly enqueue a
>> reference while it is sitting in the pending list, waiting to be
>> processed. So the enqueue places the reference on the associated
>> queue's list, linked through the reference's next field. Then unhook
>> comes along and clobbers the reference's next field. Oops!
>> handlePendingChunk has similar problems with an application enqueue
>> before the reference has been "handled".
>> I haven't looked carefully at webrev.03, but at a quick glance it
>> looks like it has the same problem. (Which is what I expected, given
>> the description of the differences between webrev.02 and webrev.03.)
>> I'm not sure why unhook is using the next field at all, rather than
>> just continuing to use the discovered field. I've not studied this
>> idea carefully, but I think it might work to leave the chunks linked
>> through the discovered field until addChunk, with that being
>> responsible for self-looping the discovered field and transferring
>> linkage to the next field. That is, treat chunks as extensions of the
>> pending list until addChunk-time. There might be some that makes using
>> the discovered field that way a problem, but I'm not thinking of
>> anything right now.
>> Of course, this problem doesn't exist for FinalReference because
>> application code doesn't have access to them to perform the
>> problematic explicit enqueue.
> Ops, you're right. Explicit enqueue-ing is what skipped my mind since 
> I've been 1st working on finalizers and then generalized the 
> solution... I'm afraid to use the 'discovered' field since it is in 
> the domain of VM and I think Java side can only reset it to null while 
> holding the lock. I also would not like to add another field to 
> Reference just to support "chunking". Perhaps the chunk could be 
> formed as a re-usable array of references. Let me think about this 
> some more to figure out how to solve it most elegantly...
> I'll follow-up when I have something.
> Regards, Peter

I think I was too afraid to use the 'discovered' field. I now think the 
'discovered' field is the right field to use to form "chunks" of pending 
references. If I read the VM reference handling code correctly, then 
'discovered' field is treated as a normal instance field as far as GC is 
concerned as soon as the Reference is not active any more 
( != null). All pending references found by Java code 
navigating 'pending' chain are already "de-activated" by GC when 
discovered ( == reference). So it is safe to manipulate 
the 'discovered' field in Java code. Here's the modified prototype that 
uses 'discovered' field to form chunks of references:

Note that enqueue-ing a chunk or a single Reference is a two-phase 

1st the reference is ReferenceQueue.markEnqueued(Reference) which is a 
serialization point. After that point the Reference's .next field is 
only manipulated by a single thread. This happens in two places:
- ReferenceQueue.enqueue(reference), line 60 - called by public 
- Reference.handlePendingChunk(chunk), line 317

2nd the chain of .next-field-connected References is added 
(RefereceQueue.addChunk(head, tail), line 83) to the queue.

With this arrangement, I get even less CPU overhead when running the 
benchmark. Most probably because unhooking the chunk of pending 
references now doesn't involve writes to many fields - just two writes 
per chunk: the 'discovered' field of the last Reference in chunk is 
reset to null and the 'pending' static field is set to point to the 1st 
of the remaining References:

Finalization throughput, ORIGINAL

   construction threads: 1
   instances per thread: 10000000
   cons. per 1 ms sleep: 100
                                            ~5s interval cumulative   
active  pool     queued
    t[ms] construct.  destruct.  in-flight con./ms des./ms con./ms 
des./ms  thr.  size      tasks
  ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- 
------- ----- ----- ----------
     5000     441600          0     441600      88 0      88       0
    10002     883400          0     883400      88 0      88       0
    15005    1301400     244748    1056652      83 48      86      16
    20007    1747100     244748    1502352      89 0      87      12
    25009    2192600     244748    1947852      89 0      87       9
    30011    2625000     488320    2136680      86 48      87      16
    35013    3069900     488320    2581580      88 0      87      13
    40015    3514600     488320    3026280      88 0      87      12
    45017    3956200     488320    3467880      88 0      87      10
    50018    4397600     488320    3909280      88 0      87       9
    55020    4703200    4501263     201937      61 802      85      81
    60022    5152200    4501263     650937      89 0      85      74
    65023    5604600    4501263    1103337      90 0      86      69
    70024    6051400    4501263    1550137      89 0      86      64
    75025    6503100    4501263    2001837      90 0      86      59
    80026    6880800    6831578      49222      75 466      85      85
    85027    7329700    6831578     498122      89 0      86      80
    90027    7775900    6831578     944322      89 0      86      75
    95028    8221800    6831578    1390222      89 0      86      71
   100029    8666400    6831578    1834822      88 0      86      68
   105030    9111000    6831578    2279422      88 0      86      65
   110031    9559200    6831578    2727622      89 0      86      62
   115032   10000000    6831578    3168422      88 0      86      59
   120792   10000000   10000000          0       0 550      82      82

real    2m0.962s
user    0m32.641s
sys     0m1.897s

Finalization throughput, PATCHED

   construction threads: 1
   instances per thread: 10000000
   cons. per 1 ms sleep: 100
                                            ~5s interval cumulative   
active  pool     queued
    t[ms] construct.  destruct.  in-flight con./ms des./ms con./ms 
des./ms  thr.  size      tasks
  ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- 
------- ----- ----- ----------
     5000     434800          0     434800      86 0      86       0     
0     0          0
    10001     868600          0     868600      86 0      86       0     
0     0          0
    15002    1294800     244498    1050302      85 48      86      
16     0     0          0
    20005    1727700     244498    1483202      86 0      86      12     
0     0          0
    25006    2162200     244498    1917702      86 0      86       9     
0     0          0
    30009    2592400     489422    2102978      85 48      86      
16     0     0          0
    35010    3026800     489422    2537378      86 0      86      13     
0     0          0
    40011    3417000    3349549      67451      78 571      85      
83     0     1          0
    45012    3851700    3349549     502151      86 0      85      74     
0     0          0
    50013    4286900    3349549     937351      87 0      85      66     
0     0          0
    55015    4713500    3611309    1102191      85 52      85      
65     0     0          0
    60017    5147400    3611309    1536091      86 0      85      60     
0     0          0
    65018    5582500    3611309    1971191      87 0      85      55     
0     0          0
    70019    5981300    5656682     324618      79 409      85      
80     0     0          0
    75019    6407400    6397329      10071      85 148      85      
85     0     1          0
    80020    6844300    6397329     446971      87 0      85      79     
0     0          0
    85021    7281100    6397329     883771      87 0      85      75     
0     0          0
    90022    7702600    7407984     294616      84 202      85      
82     0     0          0
    95022    8136700    7407984     728716      86 0      85      77     
0     0          0
   100024    8560400    8412857     147543      84 200      85      
84     0     1          0
   105024    8996200    8412857     583343      87 0      85      80     
0     0          0
   110025    9430300    8412857    1017443      86 0      85      76     
0     0          0
   115025    9853700    9480645     373055      84 213      85      
82     0     0          0
   120026   10000000    9480645     519355      29 0      83      78     
0     0          0
   125220   10000000   10000000          0       0 99      79      
79     0     0          0

real    2m5.323s
user    0m13.868s
sys     0m0.971s


WeakReference processing throughput, ORIGINAL

   construction threads: 1
   instances per thread: 10000000
   cons. per 1 ms sleep: 100
                                            ~5s interval cumulative   
active  pool     queued
    t[ms] construct.  destruct.  in-flight con./ms des./ms con./ms 
des./ms  thr.  size      tasks
  ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- 
------- ----- ----- ----------
     5000     450800          0     450800      90 0      90       0
    10004     902500          0     902500      90 0      90       0
    15006    1352000     204006    1147994      89 40      90      13
    20009    1807000     204006    1602994      90 0      90      10
    25011    2254600     409643    1844957      89 41      90      16
    30013    2708900     409643    2299257      90 0      90      13
    35015    3132900    2934351     198549      84 504      89      83
    40017    3588100    2934351     653749      91 0      89      73
    45018    4036100    3152591     883509      89 43      89      70
    50020    4491100    3152591    1338509      90 0      89      63
    55022    4946200    3152591    1793609      90 0      89      57
    60023    5376000    4974927     401073      85 364      89      82
    65025    5824300    5555450     268850      89 116      89      85
    70027    6279100    5555450     723650      90 0      89      79
    75029    6726400    6299987     426413      89 148      89      83
    80030    7171800    6988921     182879      89 137      89      87
    85032    7627000    6988921     638079      91 0      89      82
    90033    8073200    7561200     512000      89 114      89      83
    95034    8527900    7561200     966700      90 0      89      79
   100035    8971400    8502933     468467      88 188      89      84
   105036    9426300    8502933     923367      90 0      89      80
   110037    9880500    8502933    1377567      90 0      89      77
   115038   10000000    8502933    1497067      23 0      86      73
   120390   10000000   10000000          0       0 279      83      83

real    2m0.557s
user    0m17.642s
sys     0m1.998s

WeakReference processing throughput, PATCHED

   construction threads: 1
   instances per thread: 10000000
   cons. per 1 ms sleep: 100
                                            ~5s interval cumulative   
active  pool     queued
    t[ms] construct.  destruct.  in-flight con./ms des./ms con./ms 
des./ms  thr.  size      tasks
  ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- 
------- ----- ----- ----------
     5000     437800          0     437800      87 0      87       0     
0     0          0
    10001     873900          0     873900      87 0      87       0     
0     0          0
    15003    1308021     203402    1104619      86 40      87      
13     0     0          0
    20004    1746100     203402    1542698      87 0      87      10     
0     0          0
    25005    2180100     407360    1772740      86 40      87      
16     0     0          0
    30007    2616800     407360    2209440      87 0      87      13     
0     0          0
    35008    3026600    2902826     123774      81 499      86      
82     0     1          0
    40009    3463600    2902826     560774      87 0      86      72     
0     0          0
    45010    3900200    2902826     997374      87 0      86      64     
0     0          0
    50011    4331300    3121066    1210234      86 43      86      
62     0     0          0
    55012    4768314    3121066    1647248      87 0      86      56     
0     0          0
    60013    5187400    4923274     264126      83 360      86      
82     0     0          0
    65013    5619500    5579423      40077      86 131      86      
85     0     1          0
    70014    6061800    5579423     482377      88 0      86      79     
0     0          0
    75015    6497100    5688790     808310      87 21      86      
75     1     1          0
    80015    6937500    6462159     475341      88 154      86      
80     0     0          0
    85019    7378600    6462159     916441      88 0      86      76     
0     0          0
    90019    7813800    7083305     730495      87 124      86      
78     0     0          0
    95020    8250500    7083305    1167195      87 0      86      74     
0     0          0
   100021    8683100    7630681    1052419      86 109      86      
76     0     0          0
   105021    9122100    7630681    1491419      87 0      86      72     
0     0          0
   110022    9554091    8565311     988780      86 186      86      
77     0     0          0
   115023    9993400    8565311    1428089      87 0      86      74     
0     0          0
   120023   10000000    8565311    1434689       1 0      83      71     
0     0          0
   125372   10000000   10000000          0       0 268      79      
79     0     0          0

real    2m5.518s
user    0m12.869s
sys     0m1.093s

The prototype contains other things as well - not all of them might be 
suitable for inclusion in JDK9. They could be selectively removed from 
it or tailored. But I think they deserve to be mentioned and considered:

Using FJPool as a means to execute Finalizer(s) and other 
j.l.r.Cleaner(s) which enables easy scaling to more than one worker 
thread with less overhead than ReferenceQueue based processing.

Public j.l.r.Cleaner interface. Soft, Weak or Phantom Reference 
implementing this interface is automatically "cleaned" by a 
"finalization" thread. j.l.r.PhantomCleaner is an example implementation 
of such PhantomReference which also maintains a doubly-linked list of 
instances to prevent their reclamation before they are executed. It's 
API is similar to sun.misc.Cleaner, but can be used by user code since 
it is executed by same thread(s) as Finalizer(s). Not all applications 
need their Cleaner Reference(s) to maintain a doubly-linked-list of 
instances, hence the public j.l.r.Cleaner interface which offers the 
"raw" functionality. For example, one can imagine a WeakReference based 
keys of a ConcurrentHashMap that get expunged automatically by 
finalization thread(s) after their referents become weakly reachable. As 
CHM already holds the WeakReference keys, no separate maintainance of a 
doubly-linked list of keys is needed.

Public j.l.r.Finalizator is an example of a FinalReference based 
j.l.r.Cleaner. While [Phantom|Weak|Soft]Cleaner is more safe since it 
doesn't allow access to it's referent when fired, some JDK code 
(File[Input|Output]Stream for example) still uses finalization which 
would require more effort to be converted to for example PhantomCleaner. 
Finalizator may allow easier transition of such code as it allows 
keeping the finalization logic access to the finalizee state. So perhaps 
it could be made package-private and exposed through SharedSecrets for 
internal use only?

Are any of the features of this prototype interesting for you and worth 
pursuing further?

Regards, Peter

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