Unsafe.{get,put}-X-Unaligned; Efficient array comparison intrinsics

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Sun Mar 8 21:24:03 UTC 2015

On Mar 8, 2015, at 4:13 AM, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 03/07/2015 09:23 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> I see you're not using Unsafe.unalignedAccess() method in Unsafe
>> code at all. So the approach to use this information and decide
>> whether to use Unsafe.getXXX() or Unsafe.getXXXUnaligned() is left
>> to the user of Unsafe API.
> I don't think that there is any reason to keep library code from being
> able to discover whether this machine can do unaligned loads.
> However, there is now no reason to use Unsafe.getXXX() on an unaligned
> word.  unalignedAccess() is for tuning, not correctness.


>> That's OK if you think this approach is a better division of
>> concerns (Unsafe being low-level), but in Heap-X-Buffer you are only
>> using Unsafe.get|putXXXUnaligned() and don't consider using
>> get|putXXX directly when unalignedAccess() == true.
> Right, because there's no point in doing so when unalignedAccess() ==
> true because the exact same code will be generated.  In my Utopian
> world nothing except Unsafe would have to deal with issues such as
> this.  However, I think that people writing library code (e.g. array
> comparison intrinsics) might still need to know.

+1  Unsafe exposes some low-level information like this, rather than hiding it.

(For the next level of detail, see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8014710.)

> The problem is that in reality unalignedAccess() isn't as simple as a
> binary yes/no.  For example, on some machines unaligned accessess
> might be significantly slower than aligned ones but still work; so,
> unalignedAccess() will (?) return true even though it might not be
> ideal.  Library code is then to have to use some sort of heuristic to
> decide whether to use e.g. getLongUnaligned() or getInt() (when
> comparing e.g. int arrays).

Hardware and OS designers play trapping games sometimes to handle misaligned.
That's not on the table now.  The present design keeps options open.

> I wonder if on all machines it's worth using getLongUnaligned() for
> int array comparisons.  I don't know.  I hope it is, but I suspect it
> isn't.

Best performance will come from vectorization, and we have a better chance
to do this if we have portably-named intrinsics for the unaligned accesses,
instead of random looking byte-peek-poke.

That's the main benefit from this patch, I think:  Having portable names
for the unaligned accesses.  That's the reason I'm happy to see it.
It will require additional work, in the JIT, to optimize fully.

>> In java.nio.Bits, the Unsafe.unalignedAccess() is used to lazily
>> initialize the Bits.unaligned static field. This lazy initialization
>> is unnecessary now and 'unaligned' field can be made final.
> I agree, but there are quite a few other places which could also be
> improved by the use of this API, and every patch must stop somewhere.
> This one is the first.

We need to capture the information in your head about those quite a few
other places, and attach it to a followup RFE.  If you want you can
dump some notes to email.  (Preferably in a message separate from
this thread).  The compiler vectorization requirement is either a third
bug or else part of fulfilling the efficient array comparison intrinsic RFE.

Thanks for doing this work.

— John

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