8026049: (bf) Intrinsify ByteBuffer.put{Int, Double, Float, ...} methods

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Mar 16 09:29:47 UTC 2015

On 16/03/15 00:40, David Holmes wrote:
> Experimental options are supposed to be opt-in only via 
> UnlockExperimentalVMOptions. You presently have the experimental 
> UseUnalignedAccesses being turned on unconditionally on those 
> architectures that support it.

Well, it works.  I guess this could be changed to be a product option,
but it's only really needed for testing.  And aren't product options
supposed to be properly documented for all users?

In other words: please don't say "don't do that."  Please tell me what
I should do instead.  All suggestions are welcome, really because I'm
rather stuck.


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