Low hanging fruit in JBS for the Adoption Group Hackdays to tackle?

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 15:40:37 UTC 2015

Hi all,

We had a short discussion in Adoption Group about having its members
triaging issues in JBS to identify low-hanging fruit for new OpenJDK
developers to tackle.

Dalibor sensibly suggested that each project/group was far more familiar
with which issues would be appropriate and that we should simply list those
recommended issues in the Adoption Wiki.

So I'm starting by asking core-libs as I believe it covers the part of
OpenJDK that is most accessible to new OpenJDK developers (please correct
me if I'm wrong!).

FYI - Currently London runs a hackday 1/month and several other user groups
host more ad-hoc events.  We're looking to expand this programme globally,
but would like to firstly have a list of concrete JBS issue for people to

Q:  Do some members of this group have some low hanging fruit issues they'd
like to nominate?


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